Monday, September 21, 2015

Hillary Clinton Busts Totally Spontaneous Moves to J. Lo

Hillary Clinton is just so spontaneous!

A few days after advisors to the Democratic front-runner for President told The New York Times that Clinton would be scheduling more spontaneity into her campaign (they really did basically say this), Hillary attended a convention in New Hampshire over the weekend.

And when Jennifer Lopez"s "Let"s Get Loud" came over the speakers, Clinton just couldn"t help herself: she totally busted out a few moves!

The dance was so spontaneous that Clinton"s official Twitter account gave it a shout-out, writing as a caption to this footage:

"Post-Speech dance break at the New Hampshire Democratic Party State Convention."

For other examples of Hillary Clinton being totally natural and funny, watch her appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.

Hillary clinton dances to jennifer lopez