Friday, September 25, 2015

Kim K vs. Kylie J -- Hold Up Kylie ... Kim"s Still The Queen



0925-kim-k-kylie-j-tmz-01Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner are in a battle for queen, but we’ve learned based on the numbers, Kim is poised to win the war. 

Kylie supporters came out in droves 10 days ago when the Kardashian/Jenner sisters’ pay websites launched, with 74% of users downloading Kylie’s app — Kim was in third place with 9%. But we got hold of the numbers, and the tables are turning … fast.

With more than a million users now using the pay sites, we’re told Kylie has 40% of the users … Kim stands at 30%. Kylie is clearly still winning, but we’re told there has been a steady and continued narrowing of the gap, and Kim could overtake Kylie in days.

Kim — who does not like losing to anyone — has turned up the heat. She’s posted ass-shots and other hot pics on her various social media platforms, driving fans to her app.  

0925_kim_kardashian_sexy_instagram_photos_SUB_2The app source who’s worked with the family says Kim knows how to use social media better than anyone in her family — Kylie included — and when she wants to win, she’ll win. And she wants to win.

Kim posted a video with Kylie promising to pass on the media torch and teach her all of her tricks. Our advice to Kylie? Michael Jordan used that trick before with the youngins … and it worked every time.