Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Manny Pacquiao -- KO"s $2,500 Louis Vuitton Bag ... By Signing It



Manny Pacquiao has some pretty passionate fans … including a dude in Tokyo who spotted PacMan in a Louis Vuitton store and IMMEDIATELY dropped $ 2,500 on a bag for the boxer to sign. 

The cool part … Manny couldn’t have been nicer about the situation and put his autograph right on the front of the yellow $ 2,500 Porte-Documents Jour the fan bought right on the spot.  

The bad news … any change to a high-end bag like an LV can bring down the value, so even though it’s a great story … the bag is probably worth LESS with MP’s John Hancock on it. 

Unless Manny fight Floyd again and WINS — thus raising the value of Manny’s signature and POSSIBLY making the bag a highly sought after collector’s item. 

But Manny and Floyd would have to agree to fight again first. 

Stay tuned … 

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