Tuesday, September 22, 2015

UFC"s Nick Diaz -- "I Have to Figure Out How to Make a Living"




UFC superstar Nick Diaz says he’s devastated over the 5 year ban he got in Nevada after testing positive for weed … telling TMZ Sports, “I have to figure out how to make a living.” 

“It’s upsetting,” Diaz told us when asked about the punishment dished out by the Nevada State Athletic Commission.  

“I held off on having kids and getting married so I could fight. I gave my life to this. I am a fighter. It’s what I am. A lot of guys have to worry about what their wives and kids think, I don’t. All my attention goes towards fighting, and now I don’t know if I can fight. They’ve taken it away from me.” 

Diaz says he’s been paying special attention to his finances in the wake of the suspension — “I’m just trying to make ends meet.” 

We also asked Diaz how he felt about his close friend Ronda Rousey having his back when she blasted the NSAC earlier this month. 

“She didn’t need to do that. I don’t know if she caught heat for it … I hope she didn’t. But Ronda understands how I am. She’s like me, only a girl. A prize fighter. She’s a great friend.”

So, what’s Nick’s plan moving forward?  

“I’ve been hearing other states’ athletic commissions are angry about the ruling, so hopefully I’ll be able to fight in those states.”

Stay tuned … 

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