Sunday, September 27, 2015

World"s Tallest Actress Wants Protection ... From "Amazon" Shooter




Lindsay Kay Hayward says a guy with a gun has made her life miserable and she needs a judge to protect her from harassment and harm.

Lindsay — the nearly 7 footer on TLC‘s “My Giant Life” — claims her manager has guns, practices shooting them and has “joked that the only way to ‘put an Amazon down’ is to shoot them.” 

The former WWE professional wrestler says it’s not just about her safety … she says former manager Brad Konia is on a campaign to destroy her personally and professionally. She says Konia has contacted her employers and potential employers and slandered her. She says he’s done the same on her website.

She humble brags a bit, telling the judge she’s especially worried Konia will sully her upcoming guest spot on “Grey’s Anatomy.” 

For his part … Brad tells TMZ he’s never threatened to harm Lindsay … not even jokingly. He believes Lindsay’s gripes stem from an ongoing lawsuit he filed against her over money.

The judge didn’t buy the emergency and rejected Lindsay’s petition for a temporary restraining order.

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