Tuesday, January 19, 2016

"Childish" Leah Messer Forbids T.R. Dues To See His Baby Mama

Leah Messer needs a hug.  Or a warden.  Or a man competent enough to say, “You boss me around, I go bye bye.”

First, reports claim Messer won’t let her ex-husband, Corey Simms interact with boyfriend-of-the-moment T.R. Dues.  

Simms, according to Radar Online, merely requested a sit-down with Dues since he and his two sons are living with Messer and her three daughters.

“Leah denies his requests, for some unknown reason” a source told Radar. “She won’t explain why they can’t meet.”

“Corey just wants to know that the girls are safe with this man.”

Now, Dues’ baby mama, Mandy Winnell, 28, tells Radar that Messer won’t let her speak to Dues.

“She won’t let him come into my house anymore to drop off or pick up our sons [Tyshawn, 8 and Angelo, 4],” Winnell said. 

“He has to let them out of the car and watch them walk to the door!”

Winnell is mainly ticked off because she and Dues worked hard to establish a friendship after their relationship ended.  Things were fine until Messer entered the picture and declared their situation “disrespectful,” according to Winnell.

“She feels that because she meets [ex-husbands] Corey [Simms] and Jeremy [Calvert] in public places to exchange the kids, T.R. and I should do the same,” Winnell told Radar.

“She thinks it’s disrespectful to do it differently.”

Winnell isn’t taking this lying down.

“I absolutely plan on confronting her,” Winnell confirmed.

“The father of my children and the friendship he and I have has nothing to do with that little girl. I have to be involved with him, whether she likes it or not.

“She’s so unbelievably childish I can’t stand it!”