Showing posts with label TR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TR. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Leah Messer: I"m NOT Dating T.R. Dues! Why Doesn"t Anyone Believe Me?!

Yesterday, we reported that Leah Messer is most likely back together with boyfriend T.R. Dues.

Mind you, this observation wasn’t based on hearsay or some unverified tabloid rumor, but rather on a tweet that Leah posted herself:

“Some couples are just madeee for each other! You know what they say. There is someone for everyone,” Leah tweeted.

Certainly sounds like someone who’s in a relationship, don’t ya think?

But today Leah is saying that the idea of anyone even thinking she’s back with T.R. makes her laugh.

In fact, it makes her roll on the floor laughing:

“The fact that my tweet in no way meant I am in a relationship and was about another couple I seen has me ROFL. #CantDeal LOL.

“Can we not find something better to discuss in the media, ya kno? Like how I’m buying my first home with MY DAUGHTERS!”

We totally thought she was gonna end that with “US forces rolling back ISIS,” or “tornadoes ravaging the Midwest,” or “Steph Curry nailing epic threes from way downtown,” but no.

Leah wants the media to continue covering Leah, but ya know – stuff that makes her look super adult and stuff.

As for whether or not she’s living with Dues, well we don’t know but there are lots of people with inside knowledge who seem to think that they’re at least dating again.

“He may not be living with Leah full time but they are still together and is seen at the house all the time,” one insider told The Ashley’s Reality Roundup on Friday.

“Leah is actually about to move (again) but she hasn’t really talked about whether or not T.R. will live with her at the new place.”

Add to that the fact that Leah’s neighbors have confirmed that T.R. comes and goes from the house on an almost daily basis, and it begins to sound like there’s at least a friends-with-benefits arrangement going on.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to decide for yourself if Leah’s hiding something.

Leah Messer: I"m NOT Dating T.R. Dues! Why Doesn"t Anyone Believe Me?!

Yesterday, we reported that Leah Messer is most likely back together with boyfriend T.R. Dues.

Mind you, this observation wasn’t based on hearsay or some unverified tabloid rumor, but rather on a tweet that Leah posted herself:

“Some couples are just madeee for each other! You know what they say. There is someone for everyone,” Leah tweeted.

Certainly sounds like someone who’s in a relationship, don’t ya think?

But today Leah is saying that the idea of anyone even thinking she’s back with T.R. makes her laugh.

In fact, it makes her roll on the floor laughing:

“The fact that my tweet in no way meant I am in a relationship and was about another couple I seen has me ROFL. #CantDeal LOL.

“Can we not find something better to discuss in the media, ya kno? Like how I’m buying my first home with MY DAUGHTERS!”

We totally thought she was gonna end that with “US forces rolling back ISIS,” or “tornadoes ravaging the Midwest,” or “Steph Curry nailing epic threes from way downtown,” but no.

Leah wants the media to continue covering Leah, but ya know – stuff that makes her look super adult and stuff.

As for whether or not she’s living with Dues, well we don’t know but there are lots of people with inside knowledge who seem to think that they’re at least dating again.

“He may not be living with Leah full time but they are still together and is seen at the house all the time,” one insider told The Ashley’s Reality Roundup on Friday.

“Leah is actually about to move (again) but she hasn’t really talked about whether or not T.R. will live with her at the new place.”

Add to that the fact that Leah’s neighbors have confirmed that T.R. comes and goes from the house on an almost daily basis, and it begins to sound like there’s at least a friends-with-benefits arrangement going on.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to decide for yourself if Leah’s hiding something.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Leah Messer Gets Back Together With T.R. Dues, Gushes About Love on Twitter

We’ll admit – we’re totes confused by the relationship between Leah Messer and T.R. Dues.

Of course, they’d probably be happy to hear that, as they’ve been doing their best to keep the whole under wraps since day one.

As far as we can tell, Leah and T.R. started dating back in June of 2015.

Things moved quickly, and by the end of the year, Messer and Dues were living together

Shortly thereafter, rumors that Leah had kicked T.R. to the curb began to circulate online.

Some fans theorized that Messer had ended the relationship in order to give the judge in her custody case the impression that she was fully focused on raising her three daughters.

Just last week, Leah seemed to confirm her breakup from T.R. and it looked as though the “secret” relationship (that the whole world knew about) was finally at an end.

Over the weekend, however, something interesting happened:

Leah began tweeting about how great her relationship is – which is not the sort of thing one expects from a single gal:

“Some couples are just madeee for each other!” Leah tweeted. “You know what they say though. There is someone for everyone.”

Shortly thereafter, The Ashley’s Reality Roundup confirmed that Leah and T.R. are still an item.

“He may not be living with Leah full time but they are still together and is seen at the house all the time,” a source tells the site.

“Leah is actually about to move (again) but she hasn’t really talked about whether or not T.R. will live with her at the new place.”

Well, here’s hoping that Leah has better luck with T.R. than she had with Corey Simms or Jeremy Calvert.

Our advice? Maybe hold off on getting married and having more kids this time.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all of Leah’s messy romantic failures.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Leah Messer Confirms Split With T.R. Dues; Is She Trying to Win Back Jeremy Calvert?

We first reported that Leah Messer was dating T.R. Dues back in June of 2015.

In the months that followed, Leah and T.R. struggled to keep their relationship a secret for reasons that remain unclear.

The leading theory is that Messer kept things on the down-low because of her custody battle with Jeremy Calvert.

Whatever the case, she and Dues did a very poor job of maintaining the illusion that they were just friends.

For starters, Leah accidentally revealed that she was living with Dues with an ill-advised social media post.

She continued to deny it, but just a few weeks later, a nosy neighbor of Leah’s confirmed that the two single parents (and their kids) were cohabiting in Leah’s West Virginia home.

Then, back in February, after months of secrecy, Leah and T.R. broke up.

To give you an idea of how top secret this relationship was, two months after breaking up with him Leah has finally, for the very first time, publicly admitted that she was dating Dues at one point.

When a gossip site tweeted that Leah was still “keeping mum” about her relationship with Dues, the Teen Mom 2 star shot back:

“Keeping ‘mum’ about TR Dues? We decided we are best at being friends. We both have our own lives & kids to worry about FIRST!”

Yes, Leah confirmed the relationship and the breakup in one concise tweet.

Naturally, the news that she’s officially single has given rise to rumors that Leah is trying to win Jeremy Calvert back.

Ever since Leah and Jeremy enjoyed a drunk night on the town on TM2, fans have been pushing them to get back together.

The situation got so bad that Jeremy deleted his social media accounts.

Leah has mostly kept mum on the matter, but for now it looks as though she’s content to remain single and focus on being a mom.

Probably the best choice for all involved.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Leah’s rollercoaster love life.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Leah Messer & T.R. Dues: Secretly Back Together?!

Earlier today, rumors that Leah Messer is a hoarder made the rounds online.

The reports originated from a neighbor of the Teen Mom star who posted a number of shocking accusations on social media, including a claim that Leah is using drugs again.

Amidst all the more scandalous allegations, one less-surprising revelation was lost in the shuffle.

In one of her many posts about Leah, the anonymous neighbor claimed that Messer is back together with former live-in boyfriend T.R. Dues.

Messer and Dues broke up last month after dating in relative secrecy for several months.

At the time, it was widely rumored that Messer and Dues faked their breakup for the sake of her custody battle with her first husband, Corey Simms.

Now, the neighbor claims that’s exactly what happened, and the couple is still going to great lengths to hide their relationship from the public:

“Her boyfriend that she’s been supposedly broken up with is still living with her, and he is such a loser,” the source writes.

“They were filming last weekend, and he left while they were there.”

Leah has yet to respond to her neighbor’s allegations, but last night she posted the following quote to Twitter:

“True intimacy is more than fooling around with somebody you’re attracted to. I want to share myself with somebody who will press her hands through the surface of my skin, curl up inside my soul and say, ‘Here, this is who I am.’”

Certainly sounds like someone who’s in a relationship to us!

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to get caught up in time for Monday night’s season premiere.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Leah Messer: Did She Dump T.R. Dues to Win Custody Battle?

Last week we learned that Leah Messer and T.R. Dues had broken up after just five months of dating. 

There were many theories as to what caused the couple to go from talking about getting engaged to calling it quits just a few weeks later – and most of the speculation had to do with Leah’s exes.

First, we heard that Leah was cheating on T.R. with Jeremy Calvert

That doesn’t seem to be the case, however, as Leah’s been tweeting about loving the single life, and we all know how bad she is at keeping secrets. 

The other theory involves Leah’s first husband, but in a very different way. 

You see, throughout their time together, Leah tried to keep her relationship T.R. a secret.

The reason, it seems, was that Messer was stuck in the midst of an ugly custody battle with Corey Simms, and she feared that the judge would not look kindly on her living with a new man with two kids of his own.

Now, sources are saying that as her day in court approached, Leah decided to not leave anything to chance and actually broke up with Dues.

“Leah knows it doesn’t look good for her to have a new man in the house already,” another source revealed. “She wants to look like a stable single mom to the judge in order for her to get her girls back.”

If that was Leah’s goal, it certainly seems to have worked.

The judge in her case granted Messer primary custody of her twin daughters with Simms.

Of course, now that the hearing is over, it’s possible that Leah will get back together with T.R. – but judging from her latest tweets, she seems to be enjoying having her house – and her three girls – all to herself.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Leah Messer & T.R. Dues: It"s Over!

Radar Online is reporting that after five months of dating, Leah Messer and T.R. Dues have called it quits.

It was just last September that we learned Messer and Dues were dating, but the couple moved extremely fast.

Though they attempted to keep their relationship on the down-low, fans easily figured out that Leah and T.R. were living together from the clues on the couple’s respective Instagram pages. 

Last week, Leah threw shade at an unnamed ex on Twitter, and many of her followers speculated that she and Dues had broken up.

Leah remained mum on the subject, but Dues confirmed the news in an interview with Radar earlier today:

“If she says she’s single, then she’s single,” said Dues, 32. “I just see her every now and then.”

Thus far, there’s no word on what caused the couple to go their separate ways, but rumors of Leah cheating on Dues with Jeremy Calvert have been circulating for several weeks. 

Like Leah, Dues has two children, and insiders say their kids have spent a lot of time together in recent weeks.

The fact that they’re both raising young ones and had been sharing a home for the past month makes the situation sadder, but at least Leah didn’t get married for a third time, which means she won’t have to pay Dues. 

We’ll show ourselves out.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Leah Messer: Caught Cheating on T.R. Dues With Jeremy Calvert?!

Relationships are not Leah Messer’s strong suit.

The troubled Teen Mom has been divorced twice and sources say her new relationship is on the rocks after just a few months. But she keeps trying – and failing spectacularly:

Last week, it was rumored that Leah had dumped T.R. Dues in order to get back together with Jeremy Calvert – her most recent husband and baby daddy.

Now it looks as though Leah is indeed interested in rekindling her romance with Calvert, she just has yet to get around to breaking things off with Dues:

“T.R. looked in Leah’s phone, and saw she had written ‘I love you’ to Jeremy, and even called him ‘babe,’” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online. “He was furious!

“He wants to get his own apartment, just in case things go south. Friends are warning him that Leah cheated on her exes, and is likely to do it to him, too.”

This is far from the first major problem that Leah and T.R. have dealt with in their brief but fast-moving relationship.

Just yesterday, we reported that Leah won’t allow Dues to talk to his baby mama as a result of her insane jealousy.

We imagine the discovering shortly thereafter that Leah is sweet-talking her own ex behind his back didn’t sit well with T.R.

We give this relationship about two more weeks.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the non-stop rollercoaster that is Leah’s love life.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

"Childish" Leah Messer Forbids T.R. Dues To See His Baby Mama

Leah Messer needs a hug.  Or a warden.  Or a man competent enough to say, “You boss me around, I go bye bye.”

First, reports claim Messer won’t let her ex-husband, Corey Simms interact with boyfriend-of-the-moment T.R. Dues.  

Simms, according to Radar Online, merely requested a sit-down with Dues since he and his two sons are living with Messer and her three daughters.

“Leah denies his requests, for some unknown reason” a source told Radar. “She won’t explain why they can’t meet.”

“Corey just wants to know that the girls are safe with this man.”

Now, Dues’ baby mama, Mandy Winnell, 28, tells Radar that Messer won’t let her speak to Dues.

“She won’t let him come into my house anymore to drop off or pick up our sons [Tyshawn, 8 and Angelo, 4],” Winnell said. 

“He has to let them out of the car and watch them walk to the door!”

Winnell is mainly ticked off because she and Dues worked hard to establish a friendship after their relationship ended.  Things were fine until Messer entered the picture and declared their situation “disrespectful,” according to Winnell.

“She feels that because she meets [ex-husbands] Corey [Simms] and Jeremy [Calvert] in public places to exchange the kids, T.R. and I should do the same,” Winnell told Radar.

“She thinks it’s disrespectful to do it differently.”

Winnell isn’t taking this lying down.

“I absolutely plan on confronting her,” Winnell confirmed.

“The father of my children and the friendship he and I have has nothing to do with that little girl. I have to be involved with him, whether she likes it or not.

“She’s so unbelievably childish I can’t stand it!”

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Leah Messer: FAKING Breakup With T.R. Dues?!

Earlier this week, we reported that Leah Messer and T.R. Dues had broken up

Yesterday, several sources claimed that there was some serious confusion over whether Leah and T.R. were still together, even within the couple’s inner circle.

Now, a new theory has emerged, as many believe that Leah and T.R. staged the split in order to keep their relationship on the down-low.

“They are very much together, and live as a family with her daughters and his sons,” a source close to the situation recently told Radar Online.

That confirmation came on the heels of a bunch of tweets from Leah in which she wrote of the importance of not “letting people stay in your life longer than they deserve to.”

So why all the secrecy and subterfuge? 

Well, Leah is currently in the midst of an ugly custody battle with Corey Simms, and she may be concerned that living with a new dude who has kids of his own could jeopardize her chances of regaining primary custody of her twin girls.

Obviously, Leah and T.R. did an incredibly bad job of keeping their relationship low-key, which could be why Leah decided to send her Twitter followers the message that she’s newly single.

Perhaps Leah’s smarter than watching Teen Mom online would lead us to believe.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Leah Messer DUMPED T.R. Dues to Get Back With Jeremy Calvert?!

Earlier today, we reported that the relationship between Leah Messer and T.R. Dues is officially over.

The news came as a surprise to fans, as rumors about Leah and T.R. getting engaged began to circulate just a few weeks ago.

There’s still no official word on why the couple called it quits. In fact, those closest to Messer and Dues can’t even agree on whether or not the relationship is really over.

First, friends of Leah’s spoke to Radar Online and confirmed the breakup:

“Leah said they broke up a little while ago,” says one source. “She said it just didn’t work out. He wasn’t a good boyfriend.”

A different insider even went so far as to say that Leah has cut off all contact with Dues, as she’s hoping to get back together with Jeremy Calvert – her second husband and the father of her youngest child. 

However, other sources close to the situation claim that Leah and T.R. are still an item, and are still living together in Charleston, West Virginia.

“They are very much together, and live as a family with her daughters and his sons,” says an insider close to Dues.

Considering the couple is so secretive they never even publicly confirmed that they’re dating, it may be a while before we find out what’s really going on.

We know that Leah hates to be single, so if she did dump Dues, we wouldn’t be surprised if she did it for another guy – possibly Calvert.

Leah Messer and T.R. Dues: Is It Over?!

It’s been just over since we first learned that Leah Messer and T.R. Dues are dating, and while they attempted to keep their relationship on the down-low, the couple moved very quickly from day one.

Just last month, we learned that Leah and T.R. had moved in together – not because they announced it, but because they both showed off their Christmas decorations by posting the exact same photo on Instagram.

Needless to say, they’re not too great at keeping things low-key, but they seemed to be happy together.

Several insiders even confirmed that Messer and Dues had discussed getting engaged

Over the weekend, however, Leah got seriously pissed off at somebody, and vented her frustrations on social media.

Many believe that her rage was directed at T.R., and that it’s now over for the young couple:

“Some people seriously get so butt hurt, like please stop thinking [you’re] so cool doing dumb sh-t. #sorrynotsorry,” Leah tweeted on Sunday evening.

Later the same night, Leah got philosophical, retweeting, “One of the biggest mistakes you can make in life is letting people stay in your life far longer than they deserve.”

As you probably know, Leah doesn’t have the greatest history with relationships.

Her first marriage to Corey Simms ended in disaster, and her second husband, Jeremy Calvert, filed for divorce last year.

Sadly, it looks as though Messer might be headed in the same direction with Dues, but hey – at least he didn’t put a ring on it first.

We guess that’s progress.

Watch Teen Mom online at TV Fanatic to relive some of Leah’s worst decisions. 

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Leah Messer to Corey Simms: DO NOT TALK to T.R. Dues!

Leah Messer and her new boyfriend are very serious – she’s living with T.R. Dues, for crying out loud – and Corey Simms is concerned.

Not that his ex-wife moved on (Corey is remarried with a new baby of his own), but that she won’t let him meet the new man in her life.

According to a Teen Mom 2 insider, Simms, the father of Messer’s 6-year-old twins Ali and Aleeah, has repeatedly asked his ex for this.

Corey, 26, wants Leah, 23, to let him sit down and talk with T.R. Dues, 33, since he spends a significant amount of time with his girls.

However, “Leah denies his requests, for some unknown reason” a source told Radar Online. “She won’t explain why they can’t meet.”

“Corey just wants to know that the girls are safe with this man.” 

Simms and Dues met once “for less than five minutes,” the source says, but Corey didn’t realize T.R. was putting it to Leah at the time.

Not only was the West Virginia personal trainer and father of two dating his former wife, he’s been living with her for some time now.

Leah, who jumped right into this serious relationship after her second divorce (from Jeremy Calvert) was finalized, is rather co-dependent.

Fans who watch Teen Mom 2 online know this well.

One wonders how Corey will react to know that his twins call their mom’s live-in lover’s sons Tyshawn, 8, and Angelo, 4, their “brothers.”

At least they’re happy? In any case, young Ali and Aleeah currently spend school days with their father, and weekends with Messer.

However, the custody arrangement could change after Messer won a new court hearing and will square off against Simms next month.

She believes the court gave her a raw deal when it came to her daughters’ school attendance records, and plans to challenge its findings.

In the meantime, rumors that she plans on getting engaged to T.R. in the near future are swirling … and would that really surprise you?

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Leah Messer: Loving Life at Home with T.R. Dues! And His Kids!

Leah Messer is reportedly getting so serious with her live-in boyfriend, T.R. Dues, that their kids are practically siblings at this point!

The co-dependent Teen Mom 2 star is definitely living with T.R. Dues, who has two young sons of his own from a prior relationship.

There’s even been talk of an engagement on the way, and given Leah track record in the romance department … we can see it.

In any case, whether she tries to keep it a secret or not (she’s not a good liar), Leah and T.R. are shacking up under one roof now.

Not that their kids mind. Her 6-year-old twins, Ali and Aleeah, call Dues’ sons Tyshawn and Angelo their “brothers,” sources say!

“The girls are very close to T.R.’s boys,” a family insider says. “They proudly refer to them as ‘brothers’ while talking to family members.”

In addition to the 8- and 4-year-old quasi-siblings, they have an actual half-sister in Remi, Corey Simms’ newborn baby daughter.

Corey, the first of Leah’s two ex-husbands, welcomed Remi with his second and current wife, Miranda Patterson, just last month.

Things between Corey and Leah? Depends what day you ask. A judge took primary custody of the twins away from Messer this fall.

She’s fighting that, though, and recently won the right to a hearing in January for the court to reconsider their previous decision.

The Teen Mom 2 mainstay is determined to prove she offers a stable home for Ali and Aleeah, which includes boyfriend Dues.

Despite multiple reports of Leah Messer and Jeremy Calvert back together, she and her second ex-husband have not reconciled.

Unlike with Simms, the two co-parent daughter Adalynn without any major custody drama – but it’s just co-parenting, not reconciliation.

Leah and T.R. have been together for about eight months … which is almost exactly how long she and Calvert have been apart.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Leah Messer & T.R. Dues: Engagement on the Way?!

Last week, we reported that Leah Messer and T.R. Dues are living together.

The word spread quickly online, but not because the couple made a formal announcement of their cohabitation.

No, Leah and T.R. broke the news accidentally when they both posted photos of their home Christmas decor – and it happened to be the exact same pic.

Now, insiders are saying the situation has been going on longer than Leah’s fans realized, and if Ms. Messer’s romantic history is any indication, a third wedding may be on the way.

“They were living together earlier this year,” a source tells Us Weekly. “Leah has never been without a man in her life. She usually goes immediately into another relationship after one ends.”

Leah and T.R. began dating back in June and they tried (unsuccessfully) to keep their relationship under wraps.

The couple has been trying harder than ever to keep things on the down-low lately, as Leah recently lost custody of her twin daughters to ex-husband Corey Simms, and she reportedly believes that the judge in her case might look down upon her living with a new man.

Now, friends are wondering what else the Teen Mom trainwreck might be keeping a secret.

Since Leah has never dated a man this long without getting married, the fact that she’s living with T.R. has many expecting a holiday engagement announcement.

But hopefully, she’ll work focus on raising the kids she has before she racks up a third baby daddy.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Leah Messer & T.R. Dues: DEFINITELY Living Together!

It’s been six months since we first reported that Leah Messer and T.R. Dues are dating, but the couple still has yet to confirm they’re together.

In fact, Leah has hidden her relationship from fans, friends, and family, alike. But she and T.R. may have just accidentally called themselves out thanks to some innocent holiday-themed Instagram posts.

The Christmas tree photo above was posted by Leah earlier this week.

One day later, T.R. posted the exact same photo to his own Instagram page and identified the location as his house.

Unless Leah and T.R. have identical taste in holiday decor and camera angles, these two are living together!

It probably makes for a pretty interesting, Brady-esque situation, as Leah has three daughters and T.R. has two sons.

Of course, Leah lost custody of her twins to ex-husband Corey Simms back in October, and that ongoing battle may explain why  Leah and T.R. have chosen to keep their relationship under wraps.

Leah is working hard to prove to the judge in her case that she’s capable of providing a suitable home for her girls, and she may feel that living with a relatively new boyfriend and his sons send the wrong message.

Whatever the case, Leah and T.R. are busted now.Merry Christmas, you two!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Leah Messer & T.R. Dues: Still Dating, Still Keeping It a Secret

Back in June, we reported that Leah Messer is dating T.R. Dues, a 32-year-old personal trainer from Virginia with two kids of his own.

Curiously, Leah hid T.R. from MTV cameras during the most recent season of Teen Mom 2.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Leah and T.R. are still dating  – and still keeping their relationship on the down-low.

Sources say T.R. and his sons recently joined Leah and her daughters to decorate the family Christmas tree.

“They had a great time together,” says an insider close to Leah.

Leah tweeted about the occasion and posted pics on Instagram, but she made no mention of T.R. and his boys, and they didn’t appear in any of the photos.

No one is sure why Leah is going to such great lengths to keep her relationship under wraps, but it may have something to do with her ongoing custody battles.

Leah lost custody of her twin daughters to ex-husband Corey Simms back in October, and she may be concerned that her second husband, Jeremy Calvert, might try to win primary custody of her youngest daughter.

Given past accusations that Leah is a negligent and unfit mother, her lawyers may have advised to keep her new relationship a secret in order to give the impression that she’s entirely focused on her children.

Whatever the case, Leah is clearly not doing a very good job of keeping her love life out of the headlines.