Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Duggar Family: Officially Returning to TV?!

It’s been six months since TLC canceled 19 Kids and Counting in the wake of the Josh Duggar sex scandals, and it now looks as though the network has officially decided to give the family another chance.

No, we’re not talking about Jill & Jessa: Counting On – the limited, three-part series that appeared on the network last month and focused on the two newlywed Duggar daughters.

There are now reports that the whole Duggar family (probably minus Josh) will be returning to television, possibly in a new version of the show that made them famous.

The Duggar Family News Facebook page has confirmed rumors that Jim Bob, Michelle, and their massive brood were recently joined by a camera crew during an outing to an Arkansas lumber yard.

“The Duggars were seen filming at a lumber yard last week in their area,” the report reads. “Yes, filming. They spent three hours there and bought some lumber.”

It may not sound like the most entertaining scene in the world, but that’s what exactly what makes this news so interesting.

Counting On focused on high drama, such as the birth of Jessa Duggar’s first child, and Anna Duggar tearfully speaking out about Josh for the first time.

19 Kids focused much more on the everyday chores and challenges that come with living in a household of 21, and it sounds like the family is returning to that sort of programming.

When reached for a comment by Deadline, TLC exec Nancy Daniels stopped just short of confirming that the Duggars will be making a comeback.

“We just aired a three-part special before the holidays that did very well. We had over 3 million viewers. The audience cares about these girls,” Daniels said.

“We’re still talking and considering it, but we have not made a decision yet.”

Sounds like you can count on an official announcement sometime in the near future, but the network still has big decisions to make:

For example, how will it deal with the inevitable Duggar protestors, and will the new show address the all-important issue of Josh and his ugly past?