Wednesday, January 13, 2016

James Harden: Furious With Khloe! Wary of Lamar!

Well, this is awkward.

All talk has pointed to Khloe Kardashian inviting Lamar Odom to move in with her, so that he can recover from his near-fatal overdose in a “warm” and comfortable environment.

“[One] reason Khloe decided to bring Lamar home was Rob. They need each other!” a source told Hollywood Life.

“Khloe knows that with the two of them under the same roof, they will both heal and use each other’s energy and strength to get their lives on track.

“Rob’s already making huge progress and is pitching in to help Lamar walk and helping him eat. They’ve been watching NBA games together and really bonding.

One person who’s not thrilled about this arrangement is James Harden, Khloe’s current boyfriend.

“James is not happy with Lamar’s new living situation at Khloe’s. This is not ideal,” another source revealed to Hollywood Life.

“James is mad because Khloe’s way too wrapped up in Lamar’s life.”

The Houston Rockets shooting guard “knows a lot about Lamar from mutual NBA friends.”  

His concern is that Odom will try to win back Khloe.

“He knows Lamar’s a fighter and that he’s madly in love with Khloe,” the source added.

“James wants Lamar to make a full recovery just like everyone else, but he is concerned that by Lamar and Khloe spending so much time together and living under the same roof – old sparks can ignite.”

Harden’s not willing to lose Kardashian over it, though, because he knows how important Odom’s health is to her.

“James is sucking it up and dealing with this new arrangement as best as he can. He hasn’t told Khloe he’s mad or expressed any type of anger over this situation. His hands are tied.

“This is not what he wanted nor signed up for. He loves Khloe and had no choice but to roll with the punches.”