Thursday, January 7, 2016

Janet Jackson Quashes Rumors: "I Do Not Have Cancer"

After announcing on Christmas Eve that she would be postponing her Unbreakable tour due to surgery, Janet Jackson had fans in a tizzy wondering WHAT’S WRONG WITH JANET???

We didn’t hear boo from the singer since then, but earlier this week the cancer rumors started flying, claiming that Jackson had a potentially cancerous tumor on her vocal cord.

But now Miss Jackson herself is setting the record straight. 

In an Instagram post, she didn’t mince words:

“Remember…believe it when you hear it from my lips. The rumors are untrue. I do not have cancer. I’m recovering.”

On Twitter, she posted a video with lyrics to “The Great Forever,” one of the songs on her new album:

“Not too pleased with what you’re diggin’
I’m just busy livin’ my life
Sources say but where you gettin’ it
Don’t create the truth you like.”

Seems Jackson isn’t too pleased with the rumor mill.

In a tweet released just two hours prior, her team stated that it had been Jackson’s wish not to make any further comments about her health, but she decided to address it due to “great concern from around the world.”

So, we still don’t really know what’s going on with Janet, but we can all rest assured that it’s not the big C.