Monday, January 25, 2016

Kanye West: Planning Vow Renewal to Save Marriage To Kim?

Things are bad.  Mommy and daddy are fighting and grandma wants everyone out of the house so she can play adult games with her friend, Corey Gamble.

According to In Touch Weekly, Kim Kardashian and husband Kanye West “have been arguing non-stop for months.”

The tabloid claims that just a few days after she gave birth to their son, Saint, West “threatened to divorce” his lovely bride.

As luck would have it, West has changed his mind.

“Kanye has decided they should renew their vows to mark a fresh start,” a source told In Touch.


“He’s arranging the entire affair and is already laying down strict rules, which include no cameras or cell phones. He wants it as private and intimate as possible,” the source added.

“Right now he wants to have it in California on the grounds of their Hidden Hills mansion as soon as the renovations are complete, with a rustic Italia theme and just 50 of their closet friends and family members.”

Naturally, a marriage can’t be saved with a single ceremony, so let’s throw in counseling.

“Kim and Kanye are planning to attend marriage boot camp and have intensive therapy to get their relationship back on track,” alleges the source.

“They really do think this is going to help them get back on track. They’re hoping they can put the past few months behind them and move forward with a clean slate.”

Earlier this month, Celebrity Dirty Laundry alleged that West was cheating on Kardashian with model/singer/dancer Savannah Winters.