Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Kim Kardashian Blogs About Breastfeeding

Kim Kardashian Boobs Alert! Kim Kardashian Boobs Alert!

But not like that, fellas.

Indeed, while Kardashian has been known over the years to flaunt her breasts and talk at length on her breast, this time around the mother of two has opened up in a lengthy blog entry about breast… feeding.

To wit:

“I’m about two months into breastfeeding and I’m not gonna lie – it can be time-consuming,” Kim wrote on her official app.

“For some reason, North hates when I feed the baby, and she lays on my lap so Saint can’t be right in front of me to eat, LOL!”

Kim, of course, gave birth to a son named Saint West on December 5 and has been pretty annoying about it ever since.

She won’t shut up about the need to lose her pregnancy weight and now she writes REALLY irritating, obvious stuff as how breastfeeding can be “time-consuming.”

Yes, Kim, millions of mothers (many of them with full-time jobs) can relate.

“I’ve started to include her: Sometimes I will pump and have her feed him the bottle,” Kim added of North. “That totally worked!” 

Kardashian goes on about many aspects of breastfeeding here, so we’ll just do a quick Q&A below:

Does breastfeeding come easily for her? I feel super lucky that breastfeeding is easy for me and I produce a lot of milk – so much that I’ve taken over my mom’s freezer with tons of milk!

What advice can she offer? I use a nipple shield most of the time when I feed. I find the baby feeds better, and it allows me to never get irritated nipples or anything because they’re protected by the shield. The hospital suggested shields to me, since at the beginning I found nursing super painful and difficult, so I took some home and never looked back.

Would she breastfeed in public? Whatever makes you comfortable goes I still personally wouldn’t breastfeed at a restaurant with a bunch of people I didn’t know staring at me. I’ve seen this before and remember tweeting how shocked I was.

Does she just anyone who does breastfeed in public? I know people have their opinions on how others should live their lives and I try not to be judgmental anymore – this is simply just my opinion”