Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Kim Kardashian to Hire Therapist for North West?!?

As previously reported, North West is allegedly unhappy about having a baby brother around.

But now the depths of Nori’s dissatisfaction are becoming more well known. And far more troubling.

According to Radar Online, “poor North doesn’t like that she’s been replaced on mom’s lap by Saint.”

This is a typical reaction for any first child once a second comes along.

But a family insider supposedly claims that it’s been especially challenging for North, considering how much attention she’s been used to receiving from Kim and Kanye West.

“She’s having a hard time adjusting,” the source says. “North is starting to rebel against this massive push from everyone to ‘be a good sister’ to Saint.”

It’s must be really difficult. We can only imagine.

Yes, Saint is likely adorable (we’re still waiting on that first photo, Kimye! No, this one doesn’t count!). But he’s also just six weeks old.

He can’t really do much except cry and sleep and poop.

So once that initial reaction wears off for North, she’s left feeling ostracized and ignored without even being able to appreciate her younger brother just yet.

It’s not like she can play with him or anything right now.

“It’s all very natural for North to feel like this, but she’s been super moody and keeps waking in the night,” continued the insider, who acknowledges that Kim understands this is merely a “stage.”

Still, she’s worried about her infant daughter.

And she may take an extreme step in order to boost North’s spirits.

“It’s causing a lot of disruptions, so Kim’s talking about hiring a behavioral therapist to help her adapt,” Radar writes.

Poor North.

At least she has better swag than Saint. For the moment, that is.