Friday, January 15, 2016

Kylie Jenner Reveals 2016 Goals: Red Hair, Less Makeup!

According to a video on her subscription-based website, Kylie Jenner wants to “realize stuff” in 2016.

Deep thoughts. It’s almost enough to make you want to pay for Kylie’s app and website, but you just go ahead and put your mom’s credit card right back in her purse, because we’re about to reveal Kylie’s big plans for 2016 for free!

Yes, we’ve seen the entire video, and we’re here to assure you that Kylie’s got big things in store for 2016. And by “big,” we mean she might change her hair color. Hey, it’s something!

Chillin’ by the fireside like some sort of plump-lipped FDR, Kylizzle held court on topics ranging from her appearance to other parts of her appearance. Some highlights:

On her look: “I kind of want to tone it down…I feel like 2016, everyone’s on the natural wave, at least me and my friends. I just want to take my nails off, no hair, no make-up. It’s too much to maintain, sometimes. It’s hard being a girl.”

On her hair: “Burgundy. I really want to do burgundy or red hair. It’s red vibes.”

On her goals: “What I want to accomplish for 2016 is a successful make-up line. I’m really feeling like this is my thing and I have my colors coming out hopefully the end of January or beginning of February and I’ll update you guys on the date.”

Kylie’s lip kit sold out in no time last month, so we’re sure launching a full makeup like is a goal that’s well within her reach.

Of course, it’s kind of a weird goal for someone who just pledged to rock a more natural look, but we digress.