Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Kylie Jenner & Tyga Date Night! Did She Forgive Him for Cheating?

It seems Kylie Jenner is the forgive-and-forget type. That is, if there was anything to forgive and forget.

The the lip kit-shucking teen had a date night with her bae Tyga, despite last week’s rumors accusing the rapper of propositioning a 14-year-old model online AND cheating on Kylie with Brazilian model Annalu Cardoso.

Entertainment Tonight released photos of the couple holding hands as they were leaving the ArcLight Cinemas in Hollywood on Monday night.

It was the first time the two were seen together since the rumors surfaced.

An eyewitness told ET that the two entered around 8:30 p.m. and left at midnight.

“They were not talking much to one another, just walked and got in their car,” the eyewitness said. “Kylie seemed to want to go unseen, Tyga did not care at all. The two came out holding hands, but let go once they saw other people around.”

Kylie and Tyga also reportedly visited a doctor’s office together on Tuesday, according to People, but the two left the building separately.

UM, what were they doing at a doctor’s office together??? (Insert wild speculations here.)

While Tyga denied any inappropriate behavior with the 14-year-old, he has not publicly addressed his alleged involvement with Annalu. 

However, last week, Kylie reportedly confronted Annalu, demanding proof of the affair with T-Raww and asking to see texts and photos.

Perhaps she failed to supply the sufficient evidence, because if she did, we can’t imagine Kylie would stick around for that nonsense.

With any sense, the girl should take a tip from big sis Kourtney Kardashian and kick cheating d-bags straight to the curb.