Saturday, January 9, 2016

Teresa Giudice"s Prison Cellmate Tells All!

Life is rough for Teresa Giudice. First you have to deal with your Real Housewives co-stars talking sh*t about you, and now it’s your prison cellmate.

In an interview with Life & Style, Giudice’s former cellmate Deseree Bradshaw spills the beans about what it was like to do time with the reality TV star at the Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury, Conn.

(WARNING: Orange is the New Black comparisons ahead.)

“The guards sucked up to her,” Bradshaw said. “She got special treatment from them.”

For example, Bradshaw revealed that Giudice was allowed access to the short line in the dining hall, typically reserved for older or sick inmates and kitchen staff. 

“They gave her a kitchen uniform and she was supposed to clean off the tables and sweep the floors,” said Bradshaw. “She never did that, but she had her uniform so she could go to the short line.”

Oh, man! Anyone who’s watched OITNB knows that kitchen duty is the choicest job in the joint. But apparently the Jersey princess couldn’t even deign to do that. SUCH a Real Housewife.

According to Bradshaw, Giudice also received her commissary money on the day she arrived, rather than the customary week that most inmates must wait.

So, like, remember in OITNB when Piper didn’t have her commissary money so she couldn’t buy flip flops and had to make shower shoes made of maxi pads? Well, apparently Giudice got her flip flops (and Cheetos or whatever) right away.

Still, it’s not as though life in the big house was all champagne and roses for the multimillionaire. 

Bradshaw also said that Giudice “cried a lot” and broke down after recording her name for the prison’s phone system.

“A lot of times at night she would cry in her cell about how much she missed tucking her kids in,” said Bradshaw.

Hopefully the friends she made while in prison were there to comfort her during these times of distress. Because if we’ve learned anything from Piper and the OITNB gang, it’s that lady convicts absolutely must have each other’s backs.