Monday, January 25, 2016

Zayn Malik Confirms Release of "Dirty, Raw" Debut Single

Zayn Malik is officially a solo artist.

The former One Direction member, whose departure from the beloved boy band left millions of young women in tears last March, has confirmed that his debut single will drop on January 29.

It will be titled “Pillow Talk” and Malik is shirtless for the track’s official artwork.

You may still hold a grudge against the guy for leaving Harry Styles and company high and dry and all… but you must admit:


Based on the title of Malik’s upcoming song, it seems pretty clear just what topic it will cover (sex!), but in case some folks need it spelled out for them (S-E-X), Malik is here to be very up front about the basis for the single.

“I think I’m pretty black and white what it’s about,” he told the British Sunday Times, adding:

“Everybody has sex, and it’s something people wanna hear about.

“It’s part of everybody’s life, a very BIG part of life! And you don’t wanna sweep it under the carpet. It has to be talked about.”

And Malik is doing more than just talking about sex: he’s having it!

The artist and Gigi Hadid are clearly a couple.

But forget being a couple.

Fans are dying to know if Malik will ever be part of a quintet again. Could he ever see himself rejoining One Direction?

“I don’t know,” he told the newspaper, emphasizing than there’s no “beef” of any kind.

“If the time was right and that was the thing to do, then I would make that decision when it came around.”

One Direction, of course, is taking a hiatus for at least the rest of 2016. So we’ve got plenty of time to ponder a possible reunion.