Monday, February 8, 2016

Adam Lind: Not Fighting For Joint Custody After Nude Photo Scandal

He’s battled ex, Chelsea Houska for nearly a year over custody of their daughter, Aubree.

Now, it appears that Adam Lind is waving the white flag in defeat after a very unflattering photo of him recently surfaced.

“It’s been quiet on that front,” a source close to Houska told Radar Online. “He knows he has a losing case.”

Last week, Lind’s ex, Jessica Nicole posted a super-private and super-gross throwback of their bedroom shenanigans.

“Jessica jokingly sent Adam the photo and teased him about posting it,” another source told Radar.

“As a joke, he told her to do it, not thinking she would. But then she did!”

Nicole immediately took down the photo, but not before it was screen-shot and shared for all the world to see.

This doesn’t bode well for Lind.

“He thought it would make him look bad,” the source added. “He has worked hard at stabilizing his life.”

In March 2015, a judge ruled that Houska would retain full custody of Aubree, but that Lind could file again in six months.

Lind, however, has not refiled.

“He knows nothing will change,” the source said of the personal trainer. “So he doesn’t bother.”

Prior to the graphic photo being leaked, Lind went on a hate-fueled homophobic rant on Instagram, using some disgustingly offensive terms against Teen Moms fans.  

Both instances have made his case very, very weak.

“As much as he’s told people he’s changed, he clearly has no control over his anger,” the source said.

“It shows his true colors.”