Friday, February 5, 2016

Amy Schumer: Is Boyfriend Ben Hanisch Using Her For Fame?

Being rich and famous seems, for the most part, to be pretty damn cool, but the lifestyle is not without its pitfalls.

One of the big ones is that folks might pretend that they like you – or even love you – just so that they can ride your coattails. Some say Courtney Love did it to Kurt Cobain. Tyga is doing to Kylie Jenner as we speak. And now, Ben Hanisch might be doing it to Amy Schumer.

When we first learned that Hanisch and Schumer were dating, it seemed that she was safe from ulterior motives, as Ben was said to be a humble midwestern furniture designer with no Hollywood aspirations.

Shortly thereafter, however, we learned that Ben tried his hand at acting for several years before turning to a less competitive career field.

The guy went hard, too, admitting in a recent interview that he spent “all [his] money on acting classes” before deciding to focus on woodworking.

On its own that wouldn’t be terribly troubling on its own. After all, lots of young folk harbor dreams of hitting it big in show business.

But add to that the fact that after just three months of dating, Ben is publicly declaring his love for Amy and appearing on her Comedy Central sketch show, Inside Amy Schumer (above), and the red flags become a little more apparent.

In a recent interview with Star magazine, a friend of Ben’s, speaking on condition of anonymity, had this to say about the relationship:

“I don’t think it’s far fetched at all that Amy’s showbiz connections could have upped Ben’s interest in her.”

Well put, anonymous source.

There’s certainly no guarantee that Ben wouldn’t be just as smitten with Amy if she worked at Starbucks, but we hope she’s entering the situation with her eyes wide open.