Friday, February 12, 2016

Bill Murray SNAPS: Throws Fans" Cell Phones Off the Roof!!

Bill Murray is adored the world over as a comedic legend and loveable curmudgeon, but we know of three fans who are likely not amused by his recent behavior.

While attending a party at a Carmel, Calif. restaurant thrown by Justin Timberlake, Murray reportedly snapped when fans began taking photos of him with their cell phones, according to Gossip Cop.

Fed up with the invasion of privacy, the actor grabbed the phones and chucked them off the restaurant’s second floor rooftop. 

This sounds exactly like something his prima donna character in Groundhog Day might do. But we haven’t heard news of a sequel.

Police arrived shortly after hearing about the incident, but Murray had already left the restaurant.

However, a police spokeswoman confirmed that two of the phones were damaged, and that the movie star agreed to pay for them.

It’s no secret that the highest price of fame is privacy and we’ve seen celebs go off on paparazzi many times. However, it’s rare that we see one actually lash out at fans.

We’re not sure what got Mr. Bill so fired up last night. Surely he’s used to fans snapping photos of him, and he reportedly did very well in the Pebble Beach National Pro-Am golf tournament that day.

The star played alongside other stars like Timberlake, Ray Romano, Andy Garcia and Kenny G in the tournament.

Murray isn’t really a total stranger to kooky behavior, but next time we hope he sticks to photobombing engagement pics and bad dancing to Lil Jon.