Monday, February 1, 2016

Chris Brown: Did His Constant Smoking Give Royalty Asthma?!

Back in March of last year, the world was shocked and a little horrified to learn that Chris Brown is a dad.

The shock stemmed from the fact that he’d kept little Royalty a secret for several months. The horror was mainly out of fear that he would do terrible Breezy-esque things like get his daughter sick by constantly smoking weed around her.

At least that’s the allegation being made by Chris’ baby mama, Nia Guzman, who claims that Brown smokes in Royalty’s presence so often that she’s developed asthma.

According to TMZ, Nia made the shocking allegations in recently-filed court papers

Guzman is petitioning the court to restrict Brown’s visitation rights. She’s also requesting that the singer’s child support payments be upped from $ 2,500 to nearly $ 16,000.

She claims that after a period of sobriety, Brown has relapsed and frequently smokes weed and drinks sizzurp while watching his daughter.

Guzman tells the judge that Royalty returns home reeking of smoke after visits with her dad.

Chris (sort of) denied the allegations in an Instagram post that he quickly deleted.

“I quit cigarettes on New Year’s,” Brown wrote. “NO ONE smokes around my daughter.”

He went on to call Guzman’s allegations “obviously a play to get some sort of increased income,” but did not address the drug use allegations.

This is not the first time that Brown’s parenting habis have been called into question.

The controversial performer was criticized for his decision to take Royalty on tour with him last summer.