Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Donald Trump Said WHAT About Ted Cruz?!?

We really have no idea at this point why we"re surprised by any of the words that come out of Donald Trump"s mouth.

Remember what Trump said about Mexicans? What he said about women? What he said about one woman in particular being on her period when she interviewed him?

Still… there was Trump in New Hampshire on Monday evening, one night before that state"s Presidential primary, talking about opponent Ted Cruz.

At one point, the topic turned to waterboarding and how Cruz hesitated during the last Republican debate in saying he would used this enhanced interrogation technique on terrorists.

Trump, conversely, made it clear he would bring it back and also do much "worse" to enemies of the United States.

While acting all shocked over Cruz"s viewpoint, Trump overheard a woman in the audience refer to Cruz in a very specific, very derogatory manner.

He could have ignored the comment. He could have just kept right on with his speech.

But this is Donald Trump, people.

He made a big show out of what the woman said and then he repeated what the woman said, sarcastically castigating her for referring to Cruz as "pussy," while, of course, referring to Cruz as a "pussy" himself in the process.

It was a pretty amazing moment, even for Donald Trump, and it"s worth watching the incident unfold.

We promise that you"ve never seen anything like it in politics before.

Donald trump said what about ted cruz