Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Harry Styles: DUMPED By Kendall Jenner?!

It’s only been six weeks since Kendall Jenner and Harry Styles went on vacation together, prompting rumors that they’re  an item.

At first it seemed like fans and the media were jumping to conclusions, but it wasn’t long before Kendall’s own family members started confirming that she’s dating Harry.

Unfortunately, the young couple probably wishes the Kardashian hype machine had waited a while before forcing them to go public, because by all accounts, things are not going well in Handall Land.

Last week, there were rumors of Harry cheating on Kendall with a longtime friend, and now Hollywood Life is reporting that Kendall has kicked Harry to the curb.

Surprisingly, the two incidents are not related, as the site claims that Kendall dumped Harry not because of his alleged infidelity, but because of his unwillingness to commit. 

“At this point in her life, Kendall is ready for a serious relationship,” says one insider.

“She thought she could just go with the flow with Harry, but it’s just not making her happy. Harry is too loosey-goosey for her.”

The source adds that Kendall and Harry gave it a go once before and experienced the same problems:

“It’s pretty much what happened the first time around for them; Kendall wanted more and Harry wasn’t ready to fully commit.

“They aren’t on bad terms or anything, but Kendall isn’t going to wait around for Harry to make the next move, which would be to make a serious commitment and follow up with concrete actions. She wants a guy who’s going to walk the walk.”

Well, at least they’re still on good terms. Harry already has beef with Zayn, the man doesn’t need any more hostility in his life.