Thursday, February 18, 2016

Jax Taylor Pleads Guilty to Theft: I Was HAMMERED!!!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know that the always-unstable Jax Taylor has been even more off-the-rails than usual this season.

His bad decision making and Kanye-esque fits of ego have been on display in just about every episode (The dude literally tried to have the final say on what size breast implants his girlfriend would get.), but the moment that stands out in the minds of many fans as #PeakJax is when he was arrested for stealing a pair of sunglasses while on vacation in Hawaii.

As a reality star and co-owner of a successful restaurant, Jax can easily afford just about any pair of sunglasses on the market but that didn’t stop him from half-assedly shoplifting a $ 300 pair of Polaris shades, thus forcing his friends to cough up the $ 11,000 bail.

Typically, any time you’re out of state is the worst time to commit a crime, as you’ll almost certainly have to travel back there for your trial.

But at least Jax had the good sense to perpetrate his drunken heist in Hawaii, which gave him an excuse to take a second trip to the Big Island, this time just with long-suffering girlfriend Brittany Cartwright.

Jax and Brit have been in Hawaii all week, and Taylor’s case was finally settled yesterday.

TMZ is reporting that Jax copped a plea deal and got off easy.

He won’t serve any time behind bars, but he will be on probation for the next year.

Jax’s excuse? One that judges in tourist destinations probably hear a lot: he was hammered.

“I had too many drinks, too many mai tais,” Jax reportedly told the court with a straight face.’

Fortunately for him, Hawaiian judges are like Lisa Vanderpump: endlessly forgiving.