Showing posts with label Hammered. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hammered. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Dennis Rodman Charged with DUI, Tests Show He Was Hammered

Dennis Rodman’s blood alcohol level was more than DOUBLE the legal limit when cops arrested him for DUI back in January … TMZ Sports has learned.  Court documents show the NBA Hall of Famer has now been charged with 2 misdemeanor counts of…


Monday, March 13, 2017

Jersey Shore Cast Reunites, Gets Hammered (Of Course)

There was a time, not all that long ago, when the cast members of Jersey Shore were some of the hottest stars on TV.

Predictably, however, a bunch of fist-pumping self-proclaimed guidos who were most noteworthy for their love of tanning and ability to coin a wide array of obnoxious slang terms for sex were unable to sustain that level of popularity.

But just because The Situation is legally obligated to go door-to-door and inform his neighbors when he moves to a new town (we assume) that doesn’t mean the entire cast has disappeared into the gaping maw of post-fame obscurity:

Select members of the Seaside Heights crew assembled to celebrate Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola’s 30th birthday over the weekend.

(Side note: Did anyone on the show ever actually call her Sweetheart?)

As you can probably deduce from the blurry photo above, the booze flowed freely and Angelina Pivarnick is still persona non grata.

In fact, several cast members were excluded from what was primarily a ladies night, but Vinny Gudagnino was allowed to attend, because, well … everybody loves Vinny.

To anyone who watched the show, the fact that most of the men weren’t invited won’t come as much of a surprise.

We now know that the rumors about Sammi and Ronnie Ortiz-Magro being back together are bogus, so it makes sense that Ron-Ron wouldn’t be on hand guzzling his eponymous juice.

As for the rest of the crew, The Sitch is universally despised, while Pauly D is dating Aubrey O’Day, he has a kid now, and he’s actually managed to parlay his time at the Shore into a successful career as a DJ, so he’s got a lot on his plate at the moment.

Oh, and he’s 36 freakin’ years old.

You have to give MTV credit for concealing the fact that for most of the show’s run, Pauly and Mike were closer in age to the average Jersey Shore viewer’s parents than to the average Jersey Shore viewer.

Anyway, Snooki documented the hell out of the evening on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and probably MySpace and Friendster, too, because the thirst is extremely real these days.

She says that the more things change, the more they stay the same, and just because they’re all adulting these days, that doesn’t mean the crew forgot how to turn up.

“Hot messes, nothing’s changed,” Snooks wrote on Snapchat.

It’s like The Big Chill, but with more STDs.

Weirdly, we mean that as a compliment.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Kesha Team Hammered Her on Weight, Dr. Luke Provided Emotional Support

Kesha’s own team was obsessed with the singer’s weight, while Dr. Luke — the man she’s suing for allegedly saying she looked like a “f***ing refrigerator” — was emotionally supportive … this according to new legal docs filed by Luke. Dr. Luke’s…


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Piers Morgan Gets Hammered for Anti-Women"s March Tweets

Piers Morgan is standing behind his very public disdain for the Women’s March.

On Saturday, across the globe, millions of women (and many men) protested the Presidency of Donald Trump, wearing pink cat (that is, pussy) hats, holding up signs and making their voices known.

Over three-quarters of a million people turned out in Los Angeles. Over a half million in Washington D.C. The overall numbers were staggering.

But Morgan was unimpressed.

“Imagine if there were a load of men-only marches today? The feminists would go crackers,” the talk show host wrote yesterday morning, later adding:

“I’m planning a ‘Men’s March’ to protest at the creeping global emasculation of my gender by rabid feminists. Who’s with me?”

That would be the irony, of course. That would be the best thing that could happen.

Morgan absolutely should organize a Men’s March to combat the creeping global emasculation of his gender by rabid feminists.

And then we can sit back and see if it attracts the same number of people as a march aimed at promoting freedom of choice… equal pay for both genders… and reproductive rights.

In response to a great deal of backlash online, Morgan said it was all for protesting and all for feminists.

But he’s also for his own freedom of speech to criticism the protests and he’s strongly against “rabid feminists,” adding in a series of Tweets:

There are far better ways to challenge Trump than marching around in pink pussy hats.

I fully support their right to protest, just as freedom of speech gives me the right to criticise the purpose of their protest.

53% of American white women voted Trump. I bet half these ‘pussy’ protestors didn’t vote at all.

Let’s be honest, ladies.. today’s Women’s March is just an anti-democratic protest at Trump winning the presidency.

One of the main reasons Hillary lost was that she & her supporters exuded air of entitlement to her becoming being 1st female president.

Morgan also took aim at Ashley Judd’s popular speech (above), specifically how she said Trump has “wet dreams” about his daughter, Ivanka.

And Morgan REALLY went off on Madonna, who did say in her speech (below) that she had thought about blowing up the White House.

“Publicly threatening to bomb the White House is a serious criminal offence. @Madonna should be arrested,” Morgan wrote, later using this as an example of how the March was hypocritical across the board:

“Bomb threats, Hitler & incest taunts, foul-mouthed rants…and this was a march to ‘End the hate’? Shameful hypocrisy.”

As you might expect, Morgan heard it from his fair share of critics on Twitter in reply to these remarks.

Some kept it simple (“Being threatened by strong women is not a good look for you.”), while others may have gone a tad overboard, such as this Tweet:

“The next time Piers Morgan is trending I hope its because he’s been crippled and impoverished. He should have to die slowly like that.”

But Morgan – who has slammed Jennifer Aniston for others judging her and spoken out passionately in favor of gun control over the years – was unfazed by the negative feedback.

Sounding a lot like Donald Trump, in fact, he pointed to his growing number of Twitter followers as proof of… well… something.

“UPDATE: I’ve attracted 10,000 new followers in 24hrs. Thanks, ladies!” Morgan wrote this morning.

Where do you stand on Morgan’s controversial takes?

He said he is “amused by all the fulminating outrage at my suggestion of a Men’s March, especially from women. Kinda proves my point…

“Just need @KimKardashian & @emrata to post bird-flipping topless selfies to support #WomensMarch for the farce to be complete.”

Morgan’s Twitter follower count may be on the rise, but is his popularity?

Does that even matter in a age where the President himself brags about Twitter followers and simply insults the heck out of anyone who doesn’t like him?

Sound off below. Then go drink a lot of alcohol.


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Victor Ortiz Charged With DUI ... Cops Say Boxer Was Hammered

More bad news for “Dancing with the Stars” alum Victor Ortiz — the boxer was charged with 2 misdemeanor counts of DUI stemming from his Sept. arrest … and officials say the guy was super drunk.


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Kris Jenner: HAMMERED in Hilarious Snapchat Videos!

Sure, these days Kim Kardashian is focused on losing the last of her baby weight, which probably means she’s subsisting on a diet of mineral water and sadness, but that doesn’t mean the rest of her family has forgotten how to have fun:

Apparently, Kris Jenner joined daughters Khloe and Kourtney on a trip to Napa Valley over the weekend where she sampled some of the vino that’s made the region world famous.

Of course, judging from her behavior, Kris didn’t take stop in for some tastings and chat about the hints of tobacco and leather.

No, the girl went full Paul Giamatti in Sideways, and the results are just as hilarious.

In the first video, Kris says “walkie talkie” over and over for reasons that she probably doesn’t even remember at this point.

In the second clip, Kris appears to be trying out a new character, who we imagine is named Sh-tfaced Fairy Godmother.

As you can see, completing sentences is not Sh-tfaced Fairy Godmother’s strong suit.

There have been rumors of Kris drinking too much in the past, but it’s not like we see her hammered on a regular basis.

Besides, who could blame her for over-indulging on occasion? The girl has Kanye West for a son-in-law. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Jax Taylor Pleads Guilty to Theft: I Was HAMMERED!!!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know that the always-unstable Jax Taylor has been even more off-the-rails than usual this season.

His bad decision making and Kanye-esque fits of ego have been on display in just about every episode (The dude literally tried to have the final say on what size breast implants his girlfriend would get.), but the moment that stands out in the minds of many fans as #PeakJax is when he was arrested for stealing a pair of sunglasses while on vacation in Hawaii.

As a reality star and co-owner of a successful restaurant, Jax can easily afford just about any pair of sunglasses on the market but that didn’t stop him from half-assedly shoplifting a $ 300 pair of Polaris shades, thus forcing his friends to cough up the $ 11,000 bail.

Typically, any time you’re out of state is the worst time to commit a crime, as you’ll almost certainly have to travel back there for your trial.

But at least Jax had the good sense to perpetrate his drunken heist in Hawaii, which gave him an excuse to take a second trip to the Big Island, this time just with long-suffering girlfriend Brittany Cartwright.

Jax and Brit have been in Hawaii all week, and Taylor’s case was finally settled yesterday.

TMZ is reporting that Jax copped a plea deal and got off easy.

He won’t serve any time behind bars, but he will be on probation for the next year.

Jax’s excuse? One that judges in tourist destinations probably hear a lot: he was hammered.

“I had too many drinks, too many mai tais,” Jax reportedly told the court with a straight face.’

Fortunately for him, Hawaiian judges are like Lisa Vanderpump: endlessly forgiving.