Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Kris Jenner: HAMMERED in Hilarious Snapchat Videos!

Sure, these days Kim Kardashian is focused on losing the last of her baby weight, which probably means she’s subsisting on a diet of mineral water and sadness, but that doesn’t mean the rest of her family has forgotten how to have fun:

Apparently, Kris Jenner joined daughters Khloe and Kourtney on a trip to Napa Valley over the weekend where she sampled some of the vino that’s made the region world famous.

Of course, judging from her behavior, Kris didn’t take stop in for some tastings and chat about the hints of tobacco and leather.

No, the girl went full Paul Giamatti in Sideways, and the results are just as hilarious.

In the first video, Kris says “walkie talkie” over and over for reasons that she probably doesn’t even remember at this point.

In the second clip, Kris appears to be trying out a new character, who we imagine is named Sh-tfaced Fairy Godmother.

As you can see, completing sentences is not Sh-tfaced Fairy Godmother’s strong suit.

There have been rumors of Kris drinking too much in the past, but it’s not like we see her hammered on a regular basis.

Besides, who could blame her for over-indulging on occasion? The girl has Kanye West for a son-in-law.