Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Johnny Depp Reveals He Cheated on Vanessa Paradis With Amber Heard

It’s been over a year since Johnny Depp and Amber Heard got hitched, and though it’s the first marriage for both, Johnny is no stranger to family life.

Before he met Heard on the set of 2011’s The Rum Diary, Depp was in a 14-year relationship with the mother of his two children, French actress and pop star Vanessa Paradis.

Depp and Paradis broke up in 2012, and for years, it was widely assumed that Depp and Heard didn’t hook up until after the relationship was through.

In a recent interview with People magazine, however, Depp may have inadvertently revealed that he and Amber were gettin’ it long before he parted ways with his baby mama.

“We tracked each other down,” Depp told the magazine. “Actually, incidentally, it was amazing. It was at the first day of press on The Rum Diary. Then we married that very day!” 

Obviously, Depp is joking when he says they got married the same day (We think. Maybe he’s saying they got married on the anniversary of that day?), but the bit about them getting together on the first day of their press tour seems to be new, legit information.

And it also seems to indicate that he and Amber were hooking up almost a full year before he parted ways with Vanessa.

Of course, these says it’s being widely reported that Depp and Heard are experiencing a “rough patch,” so we imagine she’s hand-picking his film projects and focusing on scripts that don’t call for any young blonde co-stars.