Friday, February 19, 2016

Kanye West: Forced Into Anger Management By Kim Kardashian?!

As you might already know, Kanye West has a bit of temper.

And by “bit of a temper,” we mean the dude is one all-caps rant away from a major coronary event.

Yeezus has seemed even more psychotically enraged than usual in recent weeks, launching vicious verbal attacks on Taylor Swift, Wiz Khalifa, and probably the guy at Starbucks who wrote “Con-yay” on his caramel machiatto cup. 

Sources say that for many in West’s inner circle the final straw came when he threw a tantrum and threatened to storm out moments before he was supposed to perform live on SNL, all because he wasn’t happy with how the stage was set up.

It’s been rumored that Kanye’s temper is beginning to take a serious toll on his marriage, with some media outlets even reporting that Kim Kardashian recently met with a divorce attorney without her husband’s knowledge.

But before she pulls the plug on their relationship, Kim has reportedly offered Kanye a last chance to set things straight:

According to Radar Online, she’s ordered him to return to anger management therapy, which seemed to work for him in the past.

“Kanye has never handled stress well, but for a while he could keep things under control because of the tools he learned in anger management,” says a source close to the situation. 

“Lately he’s been going off about everything – he’s a ticking time bomb and insufferable to be around.”

Kanye West insufferable to be around?! What’s next, are they gonna tell us Kim has a gigantic ass and Kylie’s lips are fake?