Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Khloe Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian: Take a Look at Their Mansions!

Turns out, the Kim Kardashian sex tape can pay for some very nice items.

Such as Ann Sachs countertops.

Kourtney Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian cover the latest issue of Architectural Digest, posing for the magazine inside various rooms of their respective mansions.

Kourtney, for example, purchased her 11,500 square-foot Tuscan-style residence from former NFL wide receiver Keyshawn Johnson.

We have no idea what she actually does inside the home office.

But we do know that it’s mighty nice and very large, as you can see below:

About a month after Kourtney moved into her abode, Khloe moved purchased a house in the same neighborhood, one that formerly belonged to Justin Bieber and one that measures a measly 10,000 square-foot overall.

Here’s a look at Khloe inside a shoe closet that is truly bigger than most Manhattan studios:

The famous siblings tell the publication that their taste differ, yet they use same decorator, Martyn Lawrence Bullard.

“When we go furniture shopping, I stand there tapping my foot while Kourtney shows me modern pieces,” Khloe explains.

“Then we head somewhere full of exotic, beautiful things and all she can say is, ‘I like nothing here."”

“I am very afraid of color, but when you have kids, you can’t be so stringent,” Kourtney adds. “Martyn was able to introduce bright pops in a way I can handle.”

So now you’ve taken a peek inside the homes of Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian.

But can you pick out their rear ends?!?