Monday, February 1, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: Feuding With Blac Chyna"s Mom?!

The situation between Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna keeps getting weirder, and naturally, Rob’s sister Khloe is right in the thick of the drama.

On Friday night, Blac was arrested in Austin for allegedly being drunk and disorderly. (So much for those rumors about Blac serving as Rob’s sober companion!)

Sources say Rob drove 1,377 miles to come to Blac’s rescue, and it doesn’t look as though the model will face any serious legal consequences.

Unfortunately, however, it seems she’s given the Kardashian family one more reason to dislike her.

Shortly after news of the arrest broke, Khloe tweeted, “Damn!! On a Friday kid!!!” which many took to be a shot at Blac.

It wasn’t long before Blac’s mom – who goes by the name Tokyo Toni – responded by bringing up an ugly incident from Khloe’s past

Toni began re-tweeting and commenting on posts containing Khloe’s mugshot from when she was arrested for DUI back in 2007.

“Momma don’t start sh-t she states sh-t…Driving isn’t good at all lit,” Toni told her followers.

As far as we know, Blac wasn’t driving before her arrest, but Toni’s point remains a valid one:

No one is above doing dumb things when they’re hammered. 

It seems Khloe took the message, as she didn’t respond to Toni publicly. Perhaps she’s coming to terms with the fact that Blac and her mom are a part of her life now.

Just kidding, she’s probably already planning how to go in on them next.