Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Filing For DIVORCE From Kanye West?!

It’s been a rough few weeks for Kanye West, and it looks like the road ahead may be even rockier for the volatile rapper.

Earlier this week, it was widely reported that Kim Kardashian had hired a divorce lawyer, and was “exploring her options” with regard to a legal separation from West.

Now, Life & Style is reporting that Kim has instructed her legal team to begin drawing up divorce papers so that she’ll be ready to take immediate action if West doesn’t change his moody ways.

“[Kim] instructed her to get everything in order so if she decides to end the marriage, she’s ready to go,” an insider tells the tabloid.

“And she told Kanye he has one final chance to change his ways or she’s going to file for divorce.”

Apparently, Kim has been growing weary of West’s unpredictable emotional outbursts for quite some time, but his most recent tantrums could be the final straw.

Sources say she’s begged Kanye to stop tweeting, but he persists in attacking other public figures and publicly embarrassing her.

The source claims Kanye has repeatedly promised to seek professional help, but has yet to follow through. 

“She’s tired of cleaning up Kanye’s messes,” says the insider. “She’s begged him to stop tweeting and get help for anger issues, and he’s assured Kim he’ll work to change.”

Yikes. We’re not sure if the world is ready for the torrent of emotionally-charged tweets that will ensue if Kanye gets dumped.