Monday, February 8, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Is She Joining Snapchat?!?!?!?

As evidenced once again in a recent Instagram photo, Kylie Jenner looks JUST like Kim Kardashian these days.

But there’s one way in which Kylie is nothing like Kim:

She has never allowed herself to be filmed while having sexual intercourse with Ray J in anticipation of that amateur porn going viral and thereby making her a star.

Okay. There are two ways in which Kylie is nothing like Kim:

Jenner is a prolific Snapchat user; while, ironically, the woman who got famous for getting named on video actually does NOT have an account on this video-based social media network.

It’s true: Kim Kardashian is not on Snapchat.

But that may soon be changing.

In footage posted to her Instagram account on Saturday, Kardashian can be seen playing around with Snapchat’s smoke filter, trying to figure out how to get it to work.

We grabbed the still image above from said footage.

She also shared a video on Instagram of herself puckering up for the camera (second photo, immediately above).

Kim simply wrote “LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!” as a caption to one of the posts, leaving her future Snapchat intentions unclear for the time being.

It seems impossible to believe that the female star of the Kim Kardashian sex tape would not film herself in other ways in order to keep boosting her social media presence.

But here we are.

If this changes and Kim does, indeed, open up a Snapchat account, as hinted at here, we have a feeling she’ll be the first to tell you about it.