Monday, February 22, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Pissed About Kylie & Kendall"s Video Game?!

Last week, the world saw the launch of the first Kylie and Kendall Jenner video game.

It was an expected move following the popularity of the sisters’ apps and subscription-based website, but apparently one person was completely shocked to see the money-making Millennials topping the app store charts.

Yes, sources say Kim Kardashian wasn’t aware that Kendall and Kylie were entering the world of gaming, and she was not happy when she found out.

You may remember that Kim’s video game launched last summer and met with instant success.

In fact, it’s been estimated that Kim’s game will make $ 200 million in its first year of release.

So you might think that the most bankable member of the Kard clan would be happy that her youngest sisters are getting in on this unexpectedly lucrative side-hustle. You would be wrong.

Sources say Kim is furious at Kendall and Kylie for cutting into her share of the gaming market.

One insider even claims that the reason Kim posted a topless photo on Instagram was to take the spotlight away from the KJs.

Naturally, the move didn’t do much to hurt Kylie and Kendall’s sales, but it may have hurt Kim’s relationship with her sisters.

Just the latest rivalry amongst the world’s most famous set of siblings.