Monday, February 22, 2016

Jim Bob, Michelle Duggar to Offer Marriage Advice on New Show?!

You can count on Duggar family sharing relationship advice – ironic as that may be now – when they return to TV, new reports indicate.

From their secrets to a happy marriage to the long list of things the Duggars do not allow, the family has strong opinions about relationships.

They haven’t shied away from sharing them, either, and don’t expect a couple of disturbing sex scandals from 2015 to change that.

In fact, just last year, many fans felt Michelle Duggar blamed Anna for Josh Duggar cheating on her by virtue of a blog post she shared.

Then, not even a month ago, Jim Bob Duggar and his wife teamed up on an app to make men better as fathers and human beings.

Basically, you can cancel their show, but there’s no stopping the patriarch and matriarch when it comes to spreading their infinite wisdom.

Despite yanking 19 Kids & Counting from the air, however, TLC never did appear to quite sever ties with the Duggar crew, as we know.

In fact, there’s increasing evidence to support the theory that the return of 19 Kids & Counting was planned all along by the network.

With filming underway for new episodes (of an undetermined season or spinoff), the family appears to be back to their old preaching.

The Fort Rock Family Camp and Retreat Center recently announced an upcoming couples session featuring none other than the Duggars.

Promotional materials for the event reveal: “Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are joining us again for a special session Saturday evening!” 

“Every year they graciously offer their time to come out and meet with the couples, as well as share encouraging truths they have learned.”

It has not been confirmed whether the $ 275-per-couple retreat, and Jim Bob and Michelle’s appearance at it, will make it onto the air.

What is clear, however, is that no part of any recent events have given the duo pause as far as their qualifications to offer advice on marriage.

Hey, in Michelle’s mind, wives should always be available to their husbands – emotionally and sexually – if they don’t want them to cheat.

What on earth would make her rethink that?!