Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Kim KICKS Kanye Out: FURIOUS Over His Obsession with Amber!

Could Kim Kardashian finally be seeing the light?

The reality star is reportedly furious over her husband Kanye West’s embarrassing rant last week against Wiz Khalifa, particularly the parts that included his ex-girlfriend Amber Rose.

If you recall, Yeezy callously called out Wiz by insinuating that every time he looks at his child, he is reminded that he allowed a stripper to “trap” him for 18 years.

It was a seriously low blow, even for Kanye, and Amber retaliated with this well-crafted, and highly-deserved clap back:  

“Awww @kanyewest are u mad I’m not around to play in ur asshole anymore? #FingersInTheBootyAssBitch.”

MIC effing DROP, right?

However, Kim was understandably NOT amused.

“Kim is absolutely mortified by Amber’s post,” a source told Life & Style. “She said she’s never felt so humiliated in her life.”

“She was so angry, she wouldn’t let Kanye into the house,” according to the magazine. “She changed all the codes and asked security not to let him through the gate.”

Now, we all know Kim is the ruling QUEEN of drama queens, but we’re kinda with her on this one.

Why does Kanye feel the need to keep bringing up Amber and publicly insulting her? Sounds like an unhealthy fixation to us.

“Kim accused Kanye of reveling in the drama of feuding with his ex and of still being obsessed with her,” added the source.

“She was fuming with Kanye for antagonizing Amber. She said she’s had enough. She believes every word of what Amber wrote. All she wanted to do was crawl under the covers and never show her face again.”

It seems like Kim is totally taking Amber’s side in all of this.

Yesterday, the mother of North and Saint West posted a selfie with Amber to Instagram, and the blond model did the same.

Everyone scratched their mother loving heads, but it’s starting to make sense now.

Amber explained her retaliatory tweet to Kanye by pointing out that once he brought her kid into the fray, the gloves came off.

Kim, being a mother herself, likely can relate. She knew Kanye was acting like an immature asshole and doesn’t seem to fault Amber for her response.

Could this mean the end of Kimye?

“Kim is so enraged, she’s considering divorce,” said the source. “She said she can’t take much more. This latest saga has just proved to her how destructive Kanye is. She’s convinced that if she stays with him, he’ll take her down with him.”

Godspeed, girl.