Friday, February 19, 2016

Kris Jenner: Kanye West Is Ruining The Kardashian Brand!!!


Kris Jenner forgot to factor in Kanye West’s personality when she welcomed him aboard the good ship Kardashian.

After West’s Twitter rants against everyone and everything (as well as a plea for billions of dollars to go on doing the Lord’s work), Jenner is concerned that “he’s damaging the Kardashian brand.”

West’s team reportedly met with “top” publicists in an effort to try and tame his social outbursts.

“His Twitter rants are out of control, and Kris fears that he’s taking the family down,” one source told Page Six.

“Kris wants Kanye to hire someone to handle all the noise and drama so he can focus on being an artist.”

The problem is, no one wants to work with West.

“You couldn’t pay us enough to represent Kanye,” one publicist told Page Six. “He’s too much to handle.”

West’s most recent outburst happened on February 13th, before his scheduled performance on Saturday Night Live.

Staff had removed flooring from the stage because it interfered with filming.  This displeased West, who threw a fit (listen to the recording here).  

The show’s creator, Lorne Michaels and Kim Kardashian had to calm West down.

“He wasn’t overly concerned about the recording,” a source said of West.  “It’s not the first time [somebody has secretly recorded him].”

“He’s a provocateur . . . somebody who stirs up the s - - t. He knows how to generate a lot of interest and curiosity . . . He’s an artist first and foremost . . . The whole Twitter persona is a part of his art.”

That “art” is perzactly what Jenner hopes to tone down.