Monday, February 8, 2016

Scott Disick to Kourtney Kardashian: Are We Back Together or Not?!

It’s been eight months since Kourtney Kardashian dumped Scott Disick, and the guy is still going hard in his efforts to win his baby mama back.

Most folks would have given up by now, but if his many short-lived stints with sobriety have taught us anything, it’s that Scott is not the quitting type.

Scott has some unusual courtship methods that include drunk dialing Kourtney and asking her to marry him, but remarkably, they seem to be working. Or maybe not…

Last week, Scott and Kourtney were seen walking arm-in-arm while running errands in Los Angeles.

It seemed to be a sure sign that they were back on  – but then Kourtney reportedly spent the next few days giving Disick the cold shoulder. 

Confused? Apparently, so is Scott:

“Scott wants Kourtney back, but he doesn’t know where he is with her and is confused by her signals,” a source tells Hollywood Life.

Some days she pushes him away, while others she’s quite touchy-feely with him. They see a lot of each other when they’re with the kids, and they flirt and bicker at the same time.”

So it sounds like absolutely nothing has changed, other than the fact that these two no longer make a baby together every other year.

Seems like a decent arrangement, Scott. Maybe you shouldn’t push so hard for the official reconciliation.