Friday, October 21, 2016

Michelle Obama Trashes Donald Trump: What Did She Say?

Michelle Obama is not a big fan of Donald Trump.

This, of course, is akin to saying that Donald Trump is not a big fan of women or Muslims or Mexicans or telling the truth.

It’s not exactly groundbreaking.

But the beloved First Lady got especially up in (muscular) arms on Thursday while on the campaign trail in Phoenix, stumping for Hillary Clinton.

The main topic on which Obama focused?

Trump’s stunning admission during Wednesday’s Presidential debate that he might contest the election results, doubling down on his ongoing claims that this process is “rigged.”

Said Obama in a fiery speech:

“When a presidential candidate threatens to ignore our voices and reject the outcome of the election, he is threatening the very idea of America itself.”

During the debate, moderator Chris Wallace was aghast that Trump would even entertain the notion of not fully supporting the will of the American people on November 8.

“There is a tradition in this country – in fact, one of the prides of this country is the peaceful transition of power,” Wallace said to Trump, adding by way of a question:

“No matter how hard-fought the campaign, at the end, the loser concedes to the winner … and the country comes together.

“Are you saying you’re not prepared to adhere to that principle?”

“What I am saying is, I’ll tell you at the time,” Trump replied. “I’ll keep you in suspense.”

Yes, he’ll keep us in suspense, as if this is some kind of TV show that needs a cliffhanger.

“You do not keep American democracy ‘in suspense,’ because look, too many people have marched and protested, and fought and died for this democracy,” Michelle said in response to this nonsense… which has been ridiculed on both sides of the aisle.

Charles Krauthammer, a staunch Republican contributor to Fox News, said this week that Trump committed “political suicide” by claiming he might not accept the results of the election on November 8.

“For the record, our democracy is revered around the world, and free elections are the best way on Earth to choose our leaders. This is how we elected John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, two George Bushes and Barack Obama. It has worked for decades,” Obama continued.

“We are fortunate, and I have traveled the world, we are fortunate to live in a country where the voters decide our elections, where the voters decide who wins or loses. Period. End of story. “

A day after uttering these suspense-filled words, Trump made an appearance in New Hampshire.

He did not walk back any of his comments, choosing instead to make a joke out of them.

“I would like to promise and pledge, to all of my voters and supporters and to all of the people of the United States, that I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election,” he said.

He then paused. And smirked. And added:

“If I win.”

Fortunately, the polls make that possibility very unlikely.

Even in a typically (very) conservative state such as Arizona, Clinton has a chance to defeat Trump.

This is why Michelle Obama was in Phoenix yesterday, urging residents to take action.

“Don’t just tweet about my speech,” she said. “If you liked my speech last week, go vote!”

Michelle did also turn her attention to Clinton at one point, praising the Democratic nominee as follows:

“Here’s the thing about Hillary: She is a policy wonk. And let me tell you, just for the record: When you are president, that is a good thing. When you are president, knowing what you are doing is a good thing.

“Hillary has comprehensive policies to help people. Her opponent has tweets. You decide.”
