Sunday, October 9, 2016

Donald Trump: My Daughter Is A Piece of Ass!

So hey, you know how Donald Trump has proven himself, time and time again, to be an awful, disgusting person?

There’s been this interesting thing going on lately where, as Election Day approaches, all those times Donald has shown us his true colors are being brought up again.

And boy, it’s been a wild and crazy ride.

Just a couple of days ago, a tape was released that featured Donald Trump saying some seriously terrible things back in 2005.

In a conversation with Billy Bush on the set of Days of Our Lives, Donald was telling Bill about a woman (later revealed to be Nancy O’Dell) and how he “moved on her like a bitch.”

“I did try and f-ck her,” he explained. “She was married.”

Donald, who had married wife Melania just months before this conversation was recorded, also told Billy about his methods of seduction.

“Just kiss. I don’t even wait,” he said. “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Just process that statement for a minute. That was a statement made by a man who intends to be President.

How depressing is that?

And things are just getting sadder as more and more old Trump quotes come out. Take, for instance, these new statements that are making the rounds, taken from his many appearances on The Howard Stern Show.

In a 2006 interview, Howard commented to Donald that his daughter, Ivanka, was looking very “voluptuous” lately. 

“She’s actually always been very voluptuous,” Trump replied. “She’s tall, she’s almost six feet tall and she’s been … she’s an amazing beauty.”

Kind of creepy, right? It only gets worse.

In a 2004 interview, Trump talked about Ivanka again, saying that she’s “beautiful.” Howard interjected with “Can I say this? A piece of ass.”

And Donald Trump, Father of the Year over here, answered “Yeah.” Yeah, it’s fine, his own daughter is totally a piece of ass.

In 2002, he referred to the moment a woman turns 35 as “check-out time.”

In 2006, Stern asked him about “banging 24-year-olds,” and Trump said that he’d “have no problem” with it, and when asked if he had an age limit on women, he said “No, I have no age — I mean, I have an age limit. I don’t want to be like Congressman Foley, with, you know, 12-year-olds.”

When asked if he’d ever slept with a black woman, he hit back with “Well, it depends on what your definition of black is.”

He also noted that he lost his virginity when he was “about 14” with “a young woman, who was really beautiful, the hot little girl in high school or grammar school or whatever. She was hot.”

In 2005, he was asked about the prospect of one of his beauty pageant contestants propositioning him for sex, and he answered with “It could be a conflict of interest. But, you know, it’s the kind of thing you worry about later, you tend to think about the conflict a little bit later on.”

Trump then revealed that he had a little trick where he’d go backstage while the contestants were getting dressed because “I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it.” He said that “they’re standing there with no clothes … and you see these incredible looking women, and so I sort of get away with things like that.”

And there you have it, friends. These are all things that our potential president has actually said.

Are you not so completely repulsed?
