Monday, October 24, 2016

Taylor Swift: I Felt "Violated" by This DJ

Taylor Swift returned to the stage on Saturday night.

For the first and only time this year, the singer performed in front of thousands of screaming fans, even treating attendees in Austin to a cover of a Calvin Harris song.

By all accounts, Swift was happy and excited and totally in charge.

This stands in stark contrast to how she felt after an alleged encounter with a DJ named David Mueller in 2013.

About three years ago, Swift accused the radio host of seriously misbehaving her during a photo opportunity.

She said at the time that she met up with Mueller backstage after a concert in Colorado and that he acted inappropriately during this meet-and-greet.

Mueller got fired as a result of this allegation and sued Swift for costing him this $ 120,000-per-year job.

Swift then counter-sued Mueller in 2015 for sexual assault and battery.

Swift’s legal team said at the time that its client was “surprised, upset, offended, and alarmed” after Mueller “lifted up her skirt and groped her.”

Now, in court papers obtained by Billboard, we can read how the 26-year old superstar claimed she felt “violated” after this alleged encounter with DJ, who says he accidentally touched Swift.

Last Friday, a judge awarded a victory to Swift, after she asked that photos from the incident not be made public.

Even though she is fully clothed in the photos, Swift was afraid they would soil her reputation.

However, the judged denied Swift’s request to withhold other evidence in the case to be made public, including her deposition from July.

Based on the transcript released by Billboard, Taylor was posing for a picture with Mueller when the supposed incident occurred… and made her grimace in emotional pain.

“Right as the moment came for us to pose for the photo, he took his hand and put it up my dress and grabbed onto my ass cheek and no matter how much I scooted over it was still there,” Swift said in the deposition, adding:

“It was completely intentional, I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.”

That’s quite the accusation, to say the least?

We obviously have no idea what happened here, but did Mueller really go as far as to just stand next to Swift and violate her?

Specifically, walk up next to her and casually, but deliberately place his hand under her dress, on her buttocks?!?

The singer is adamant that this is exactly what happened, and went on to outline how shocked she felt by the violation.

“I remember being frantic, distressed, feeling violated in a way I had never experienced before,” she said in the deposition.

“A meet-and-greet is supposed to be a situation where you’re thanking people for coming.”

“You’re supposed to be welcoming people into your home, which is the arena for that day, and for someone to violate that hospitality in that way?”

“I was completely stunned.”

According to Billboard’s findings, Swift’s attorneys filed a motion for summary judgment before the case goes to trial, claiming the entertainer was not in a position to get Mueller fired.

She simply made comments at the time and Mueller’s employer acted on its own accord.

This would be her argument in the case.

No word yet from Mueller’s lawyers in response to this latest development.

We’ll keep fans apprised on the case and on whether it goes to trial, gets thrown out or if some kind of legal settlement is reached.
