Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Kate Gosselin: Jon Will Steal My Daughter and Do Bad Things!

Jon Gosselin has been accused of being a drug dealer, as well as engaging in “inappropriate behavior” with one of his daughters, and Kate Gosselin isn’t taking it lying down. 

According to a new report obtained by Radar Online, Kate had Jon followed during an investigation into the claims regarding their daughter. 

In the police report, Kate was said to be so worried that Jon would stalk their daughter and take off, she took matters into her own hands. 

“Katie said that she hired a private detective to follow Jonathan and she was aware that Jonathan was at [the children’s school] right now,” the report read. 

“[She] believed that Jonathan was guarding [Hannah] and feared that if he saw her or the police, he would take [her] out of school and flee.” 

The officers reported that Kate herself showed up at the school, though Jon was nowhere to be found at the time, and excused her child from class out of fear that he would, indeed, show up. 

As previously reported, Kate recently accused Jon of being a drug dealer, as well as engaging in inappropriate behavior with their daughter, Hannah. 

About his “business,” Kate reportedly said, “Jon is a drug dealer who uses his disc jockey employment as a front to sell narcotics.” 

She also alleged that he took their daughter out of school without prior notice, and that she is concerned that there is “suspicious behavior” happening between Jon and their daughter.

Though the report surfaced recently, the incidents purportedly occurred in 2015. 

Jon, however, was so moved by the accusations that he’s defending himself now … over a year later. 

“Jon had no idea at the time that [Kate] accused him of having an inappropriate relationship with Hannah,” a “friend” revealed. 

“He was upset when he found out.” 

“That’s just gross to suggest,” the friend continued. 

“It sounds like Kate’s making up stories again.”  

The thing is, though, why Kate would make up stories about Jon to begin with. 

He’s so far removed from her life, and from the lives of their children, that it’d almost be a moot point. 

Kate Gosselin is a total jackass, but Jon Gosselin is the douchiest douche who ever douched. 

We’re not saying that we believe Kate’s purported allegations, but damn. 

Unless she’s trying to kick a man when he’s down, Jon Gosselin needs some serious freaking help. 
