Sunday, October 9, 2016

Brad Pitt: Off The Hook in Child Abuse Case

Well, well, well … just when you think you’ve heard it all when it comes to the divorce between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, some new little bit of fact or gossip pops up and just blows your mind all over again.

Today, this new development is about how Brad allegedly abused the couple’s oldest son, Maddox, on a plane.

There’s been varying reports about what happened between Brad and Maddox.

Some have said that Brad lunged at him, but Angelina stepped in between them and in all the confusion, Maddox was hit.

Other reports claim that Brad meant to hit Maddox.

It’s all been a very confusing time.

But in all the hullabaloo, we knew a couple of things for sure.

One, that Angelina was so troubled by Brad’s actions that she filed for divorce just a few days afterwards, and two, that Brad was being investigated by the FBI for whatever happened on the plane.

However, it looks like those reports about the FBI might not have been so accurate.

According to a new report from TMZ, the FBI didn’t open an investigation after all, at least not an official one.

The LAPD handed the case over to the FBI, since they’re the ones who would have jurisdiction, and the FBI has been looking into what happened, but sources say that nothing will come of it.

So that means Brad won’t be prosecuted on any child abuse charges, which should make Angelina happy.

Earlier reports stated that she didn’t want Brad to be punished in any way for what happened, and that she wouldn’t cooperate with any move to have him prosecuted.

It was kind of an odd move, considering that the same report featured sources close to Angelina who claimed that she told the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services that Brad hit Maddox in the face.

But whatever happened, it seems like Brad won’t face any consequences for it.

It could be a good thing, it could be a bad thing — unless the alleged video of the incident is released, we’ll never know.

What a mess.
