Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Kendall Jenner: Caitlyn Jenner Made Me HATE Women!

Kendall Jenner apparently isn’t a Kardashian feminist … or even anything resembling one. 

In a Q&A on her app titled The Real Reason Why I’m a Guy’s Girl, she talked about men versus women. 

And the picture she painted wasn’t very flattering. 

She said, “Nine times out of ten, I’d rather hang out with a group of guys instead of girls.” 

“I definitely consider myself a guy’s girl.” 

“Growing up, I was always a tomboy, but more recently I’ve found myself really gravitating toward hanging with only guys,” she admitted. 

It’s called “puberty,” Kendall, and congratulations – we’re so proud you’re going through it. 

We guess she’s not counting her sisters in that group, since her family is primarily comprised of women – including her father, Caitlyn Jenner

And speaking of Caitlyn, Kendall credits her for opening her eyes that women are, what, evil? 

“I think because I have so many women in my family and not many men – especially after my dad transitioned – I’m drawn to male energy when choosing friends,” she said. 

“Half the time, I’m the only girl in the room!” she laughed. 

Ha, ha, we’re laughing, too. 

“Like, the other night,” she said, “seven or eight of my guy friends were at my house and I was just napping on the couch.” 

“I’m just super comfortable around them,” she elaborated. 

“Don’t get me wrong, though,” Kendall countered. 

“I love my girlfriends.” 

“You need those one or two ladies in your life,” she said. 

“Being around them is like a therapy session and you need those girls to vent!” 

“But being around my guy friends is fun and easy.” 

We bet it’s easy, Kendall. 

Real easy. 

In 2014, Jenner actually talked about feminism like she thought she knew what she was saying, believe it or not. 

On her Instagram account, she posted a meme which read, “Who are we? Women! What do we want? We don’t know! When do we want it? Now!” and captioned it “sounds about right.” 

This posting came just days after both Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift aired their beef with the world over the lack of female equality, and confessed that they were both die-hard feminists. 

Sounds like you’re just a woman-hater, Kendall, is that what it is? 
