Thursday, October 20, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Flaunts Dangerous-Looking Weight Loss

Khloe Kardashian is on fire lately, and her figure is getting svelter, and smaller, and smaller, and … 

Guys, Khloe Kardashian has lost a ton of weight, and it hasn’t been more evident than it is in the following photo from her Instagram account.

Khloe showed off the goods, and as you can see, she’s tiny. 

Cover up her head, and she looks proportionate. 

It doesn’t matter how you feel about big, curvaceous booties – Khloe’s got one fine ass.  

Uncover her head?  

You’ll see that it’s bigger than a single buttcheek, and those are some big buttcheeks, generally speaking. 

No, girl, no judgment – we’re simply worried that you’re taking the dieting and exercising thing to a bit of an extreme. 

After all, you looked fabulous before the weight loss, and even when you were with dead-ass Lamar, and you look fabulous now. 

But now, perhaps, is the most opportune time to reign it in and just flaunt what you’ve got left

Khloe’s hit out at body-shamers before, and it seems reasonable that she might go overboard in trying to “correct” that which brought all the bullying down on her head. 

Back in 2011 she said, “I feel like no matter what I do, I never look good enough to everybody else.” 

“I think my weight is my biggest lifetime struggle.” 

“It’s not the biggest thing in life, but it does get you down sometimes,” she admitted. 

Then in 2014, rumors swirled that Khloe was so bent on losing weight that she crash-dieted … only consuming 400 calories a day. 

Later in the year she posted the following photo – prompting all of her followers to be extremely concerned. 

In 2015, Kardashian credited her new figure to spite, calling it her “revenge body.”  

First of all, how stupid is “revenge body?” 

Can we just abolish that dumb-ass term forever? 

If you’re going to go ahead and lose weight or get fit or life a healthier lifestyle, do it for you – don’t do it because someone pissed you off and you want to get back at them. 

It’s pathetic. 

In an interview with Women’s Health, Khloe said, “Yeah, it’s a revenge body.” 

“But it’s just as much for all my critics who called me ‘the fat one’ for my entire existence.” 

Then again, in 2016, she faced more criticism, which sent her into a spiral. 

Khloe, in response to rumors that she was getting too skinny, she wrote, “I need to remember the date today!” 

“Never would I have ever thought I would be in the media for being ‘too skinny.’ “

“What on earth?!?!” she exclaimed. 

“First I’m too fat, and now I’m too skinny,” Khloe wrote.

“I love this game.”  

It’s definitely not a game, Khloe, and you definitely need to watch that you don’t go crazy with what you’re doing. 

You looked great six years ago, and you looked just as great six months ago.  

Stop doing this stuff for everybody else and just be happy with yourself. 
