Friday, October 14, 2016

Michael Jackson: Dying Wish Revealed?!

It’s hard to believe that it’s been more than seven years since Michael Jackson passed away unexpectedly at the age of 50.

In that time his two eldest children have matured into young adults, and his youngest has entered adolescence.

Though he’s best known to most of us as the King of Pop, insiders say that in his final years, Jackson’s top priority was being the best father he could be to Prince Michael, Paris and Blanket.

And it seems that desire was reflected in his dying wish, which shows that the future of Jackon’s children weighed heavily on his mind in his final days.

Sources close to the Jackson family recently revealed that Michael made a very specific final request in the week leading up to his fatal heart attack.

Jackson reportedly asked that his close friend Diana Ross remain a constant presence in the lives of his children.

While Michael made his mother, Katherine Jackson, the kids’ guardian, Ross has apparently served as a sort of mentor and second grandmother.

“Diana admits that Michael’s kids are a ‘constant concern’ for her,” a source close to the family tells Radar.

Ross is reportedly deeply concerned with how the children are coping with the media scrutiny that’s been a constant in their lives from birth, and seems to have only become more intense in the years since their father’s passing.

Sources say Ross is particularly concerned with the well-being of 18-year-old Paris.

Though it’s been over three years since Paris attempted suicide, sources she continues to experience symptoms of her various emotional afflictions.

With more than six decades in the spotlight, Ross is well acquainted with the perils of fame, and insiders say she sees reflections of her younger self in Paris.

“Diana really believes Paris needs to be in long-term therapy because she’s never really come to terms with her feelings about her father’s death,”a source tells Radar.

While Michael’s life was beset by tragedy and ended prematurely, the mega-star would no doubt be happy to know his beloved children are well-cared for by a strong support network.

“A lot of people call [Ross] a diva, but she’s proven to be a good mother to her own five children, and she continues to fight for the well-being of Michael’s kids,” says the insider.
