Sunday, October 9, 2016

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra: Our Marriage Is Fine!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra have always been the cutest couple out of all the Teen Mom couples, and that’s pretty much a fact.

But even the most adorable of couples aren’t immune from problems, as this new season of Teen Mom OG is proving.

Earlier in the season, Catelynn made the decision to deal with her mental health issues by going to a rehab facility. She’s struggled with depression and anxiety for a long time, and it was important to her to get help for herself.

It was a brave decision, but when Catelynn came home after 30 days in treatment, things have seemed a little strained between her and Tyler.

During last week’s episode, Tyler took Catelynn out for Mother’s Day, but then he made comments about how she was eating her dinner.

“You’re really indulging,” he commented, and then a bit later he so charmingly told her “Happy f-cking Mother’s Day.”

But then, during a sneak peek for tomorrow’s new episode, things seemed to come to a head.

You can watch the clip in question above, but basically Tyler confronts Catelynn about “walking through life like a log.”

He tells her “I can’t do this forever, there’s no way,” and that “if you go into this thing again,” meaning her depression, “I gotta check out.”

The clip received a lot of attention because it seemed like Tyler was telling Catelynn that he’d leave her if she didn’t change things. It really was an intense little bit of footage.

But don’t worry, friends. Catelynn and Tyler hopped on Twitter over the past few days to set the record straight.

Yep, this is another case of some Teen Mom cast members accusing MTV of editing their footage for drama.

The humanity.

“It’s funny to me how ppl believe everything they see on tv the sneak peak for next week is nothing how it actually went!!” Catelynn tweeted.

After her followers expressed some confusion about what she meant — the scene in question seemed pretty clear — she followed up with “I’m saying that sometimes when u don’t see a persons face saying it like ‘I’m sick of hearing that’ and it cuts to me, he said that in a previous scene and never once said that to me.”

Tyler jumped in to add his two cents, tweeting “Facts: If you don’t see my face but hear my voice, they pulled it from another scene. She cried because of unaired questions from producer.”

He also said that his line about Catelynn “walking through life like a log” was something he said before Catelynn went to rehab, and that “I guess I can be the POS baby daddy this season, if it helps the ratings lmao.”

And then when Tyler was asked how he’s been dealing with being portrayed as such a jackass this season, he said that he dealt with it “by kissing & holding my wife & child KNOWING what the truth really is & how much love is between us all!”

So this situation seems a little complicated. It’s definitely possible that the network has been splicing little bits of footage together for high drama, but on the other hand, Tyler has definitely been insensitive and rude to Catelynn.

Editing isn’t magic, and it seems like the Teen Mom cast can forget that sometimes.

All we can do is hope for the best for this darling little couple. Oh, and also hope that Tyler learns how to talk to his wife sometime soon. We can certainly hope for that too.
