Friday, October 21, 2016

Catelynn Lowell Bashed for Sharing Nude Video of Daughter!

Is it just us, or is it a real bad time to be Catelynn Lowell right now?

It just seems like every last little thing about her life is going to hell. Like, yeah, she’s got Teen Mom money, but at what cost?

Her marriage, despite what she claims, really doesn’t seem to be going all that great, what with her husband, Tyler Baltierra, constantly making rude, thoughtless remarks about her weight and her mental illness.

And that mental illness is another thing that Catelynn’s struggling with — her depression and anxiety was bad enough to send her to rehab earlier this year, and it looks like things aren’t much better, even now that she’s out of treatment.

She’s also back to smoking weed after claiming that she wanted to stop.

Yep, things aren’t exactly looking up for our girl here, and now, things have gotten even worse.

And that’s because she has just found herself right smack in the middle of a great big ol’ scandal.

Catelynn — brace yourself, because this is surprisingly awful and stupid — had the bad judgment to post a naked video of her toddler on Snapchat.

The video showed one-year-old Nova in the shower, and Catelynn made no efforts to cover the kid up or censor any private areas.

For shame.

Obviously Catelynn didn’t have any bad intentions in sharing the video, but it’s beyond ignorant to think that no one else has any bad intentions, and it’s just unnecessary to show off your child like this.

And you know the Internet agreed.

Outraged fans contacted Catelynn via Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and a few probably sent some carrier pigeons her way, too. That’s how pissed people were.

“Everyone is looking out for Nova and her safety!!!” one concerned person wrote. “Please delete the snap, yes those videos are cute but for parents’ eyes only! Not in 2016 for the world to see. Not ever on social media! Please delete it.”

“Nova’s not a baby this is not cute it’s child porn,” another eloquent soul stated.

It looks like after several hours of near-constant criticism, Catelynn finally took the video down, but not before getting sassy about it.

“Wow is all I can say,” she wrote this morning on Twitter.

In a startling display of her complete lack of sense, she added that the people upset over the video were “retarded.”

“Sorry I used the R word,” she later apologized. “And if I offended anyone never once did I mean that. I am truly sorry I also have family that has special needs.”

Oh, Catelynn, baby, shhh.

Someone told her to “keep it classy” and tacked on a few of the crying and laughing emojis, and Catelynn responded “that’s right!!”, showing that a failure to recognize sarcasm is among her shortcomings.

About the scandalous Snapchat video, she simply tweeted that she “thought it was cute.”

Cute? Sure. Appropriate for thousands upon thousands of strangers? No.

Just think about things sometimes, Catelynn. It’s not that hard. You can do it.
