Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Lamar Odom: I"m Not Dead ... YET

Lamar Odom is “living cleaner” according to new reports, and despite videos and photos positively screaming otherwise, he’s not off the rails. 

Us Weekly reported that Odom is “the best he has been in many months,” and that’d almost be true if it weren’t for the recent happenings that seem to have occurred month after month like morbid clockwork. 

Last month, it was reported that Odom’s mental health was deteriorating greatly, telling Khloe that he’d “die” if she were to leave him. 

In August, reports emerged that he was partying – again – with strippers, which is what he was doing when he overdosed and nearly died in 2015. 

Earlier in the month, he was spotted smoking a substance out of a pipe … in public. 

And then in July, a family intervention was staged … and it failed. 

It didn’t even appear that Khloe Kardashian’s love would be able to save him. 

Despite the many incidents, however, Us continued to claim that Lamar is on the up-and-up. 

An insider revealed, “He’s talking to his kids all the time, and they motivated him to start making changes in his life.” 

Khloe, however, was revealed to be a trigger for Odom. 

Though she was the only one who ever seemed to keep him in line – or further, alive – the source claimed that the mere idea of her “causes him to freak out and get in trouble.”  

The source continued that he’s trying to put as much distance as possible between him and the Kardashian family, but who knows how that’ll pan out. 

“The first anniversary [of his major overdose] really woke him up,” the mole continued, “and he realized he almost died.” 

So here’s the thing. 

It’s not the most promising thing that you only “just” realize you nearly died a year after you nearly died. 

If the hospitalization wasn’t enough to wake him up, what really could be? 

Only one thing can be certain – if these reports are all true, Lamar’s not going to be doing much of anything other than staring at the ceiling of a hospital room in due time. 

We sure hope that’s not the case, because there’s nothing better than a good rebirth story, but it seems like Lamar’s on his last leg when it comes to chances. 

Cats are the ones who have nine lives … not Odoms. 
