Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Clip: Look Who"s Back!

Good Lord?

That depends on how you feel about Scott Disick…

Confused? Intrigued? Confused AND intrigued? Scroll down. Allow us to explain.

On this Sunday’s new episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kris Jenner and Khloe Kardashian will be concerned about Scott Disick.


For the same reason that Khloe was concerned about Disick on the show’s fall premiere this past Sunday, as those who watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online witnessed Scott unsure how he’d react to being away from his kids for a month.

He joked that he would do some bad stuff in Kourtney and company’s absence.

But was he really joking?

Kris and Khloe aren’t so sure.

Therefore, on the upcoming new installment of this beloved E! series, Scott will be asked to bring back Lord Disick in order to boost his confidence and get him to have a bit fun…

… as opposed to being “stuck” in a “dark, sad place.”

And just who is Lord Disick?

We are so very jealous of all those who have forgotten.

Way back in 2012, Kourtney’s three-time baby daddy officially became “Lord Disick” when he went through a traditional knighting ceremony in London.

Following this actual occurrence, “Lord Disick” became Scott’s hilarious, irritating, self-involved, over the top alter ego that the Kardashians could not get enough of.

Perhaps this photo will jog your memory:

In the following clip, meanwhile, Kris gives Disick his old “Lord swag” to see if he wants to bring his alter ego back for one more revival.

Disick seems hesitant at first, as if he wasn’t keenly aware that this would be asked of him when he first read the script.

But does he actually go through with the request?

There’s only one way to find out:

The actual episode is titled “Lord Disick Returns” and the official synopsis reads as follows:

The family celebrate MJ’s birthday in San Diego, but can’t escape the drama when Rob doesn’t show up for the party and can’t be found after a fight with Chyna.

Meanwhile, Scott resurrects “Lord Disick” after much prodding from the Kardashians; and Kim Kardashian finds doing North’s hair a struggle.

Kim, of course, has much bigger struggles on her plate these days, following that scary armed robbery in Paris.

But this episode was filmed prior to that incident taking place.

Will you be tuning in to see the return of Lord Disick?
