Monday, November 21, 2016

Jessa Duggar to Austin Forsyth & Joy-Anna Duggar: I"m WATCHING You!

If you"re a fan of the Duggar clan, then you probably know by now that Joy-Anna Duggar is courting Austin Forsyth.

Courting is like the Duggar version of dating, but with ten times the pressure to commit and one-one billionth of the the physical contact.

Forget sleeping together, courting Duggars aren"t even allowed to kiss or "front hug," so when it"s time for their chaste dates, the Duggars bring along chaperones, presumably to spray them with a hose or something if their urges start to get the better of them.

Typically, the chaperone duties fall to parents or older siblings, and based on the YouTube video they uploaded yesterday, it seems Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald are up to the task.

“We’re super happy for ya’ll and look forward to hanging out with ya’ll more and going out on a double date sometime,” Jessa told the camera.

Ben added that the Seewalds intend to take Joy and Austin out for some "good conversations."

(Jessa then laughed, because this is what passes for humor in the Duggars" world.

Anyway, it may seem like an innocuous enough message of congratulations, but nothing is ever fully what it seems with the Duggars.

The Duggars take their dating rules seriously, and Joy-Anna and Austin certainly picked up on the real message of this video:

In not so many words, Jessa and Ben just said, "We"re happy for you, but we"ll be watching like hawks to make sure there"s no denim-on-denim contact.

Jessa duggar to austin forsyth and joy anna duggar im watching y